For almost a year, I let my own attitude ruin every Monday. Instead of the joy and strength God wants for me, I made Monday a day of stress and exhaustion! I dreaded Monday. I complained about it to anyone who would listen.
You see, I felt like everything piled up on me at the beginning of the week. As well as teaching prep for my online tutoring job, I had a weekly blog post to write and graphics to create. I tackled my email. After a full day, Monday ended on a stressful note as I rushed to make dinner, act like a human towards my husband, and hunker down at my computer for an 8:30 pm tutoring appointment.
Rather than give thanks for my part-time job, I complained about it. Each Monday night, I’d fall into bed giving thanks the day was over instead of giving thanks for God’s faithfulness. Until I realized something important.
My own attitude ruined my day.
My day was not ruined because I had a lot of work. My day was ruined because I stressed over it. Do you ever do this? I imagine your tasks and workflow look different than mine, but do you find yourself complaining about your circumstances or a job you must do?
How can we embrace an attitude of joy rather than complaining?
For me, the first step was repentance. I asked God to forgive me and help me transform my day by transforming my attitude. In the weeks that followed, God began to show me secrets to joy from the Psalms. I’m sharing them with you here in case you—like me—struggle to find joy.
1. Take Joy in Your Work
Let’s face it: we spend a lot of time working, so we might as well enjoy it. God rejoices in His work! He finds joy in productivity and creativity; He made us to glorify Him through our work.
When I focus on how much I enjoy my online students—how much I delight in helping women grow their faith through God’s Word—Monday becomes a day when I get to do those things.
What has God given you to do, my friend?
2. Find Joy in the Lord
When I seek to find joy in my Lord, He transforms my attitude. I feel ashamed when I think of how my ranting and complaining bring sorrow to God rather than pleasure. The Lord blesses me with work, provision, a family, and a ministry. My life overflows with His goodness. When I rejoice in Him, my thoughts—Psalm 104 calls them “my meditation”—become pleasing to God.
Psalm 105 reveals 2 additional secrets to more Joy:
“Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His presence continually.” (Psalm 105:3,4)
3. For More Joy, Seek God’s Presence
When we make seeking God our top priority, it transforms the way we view our lives. We get to spend our days with Jesus. We get to seek His presence. We have the privilege of hearing His voice through His Word, praying, and turning to Him for comfort in our troubles.
The Lord fills us with renewed joy in His presence; we recognize our cup overflows.
4. Seek God’s Strength
Even when we seek to live out our days in God’s presence, some days are tough. Some days our lives burst at the seams with unfinished tasks, our hearts ache through the trials, and our shoulders sag under the weight of it all.
We need God’s strength.
When we seek His strength, we find it. When we seek His Holy Spirit, God pours it out. His power rests upon our weakness. Before we know it, we get through a hard day or a hard season. What I learned about Monday is spilling over into the rest of my week. Seeking more of God is the path to more joy. He holds the secrets to a more joyful attitude. Let’s thank Him for our work. We’ll find our joy in God as we seek His presence and strength today.
Are you facing the challenges of life on an empty tank? Need help renewing your relationship with God?
Need ideas on how to get more out of your quiet time? I wrote More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times to help overwhelmed and distracted women recover a fresh sense of God’s presence, learn to hear His voice, and grow their prayer lives. Click on the image below for more info:
Note: This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase, I earn a small commission towards the maintenance of this site at no extra cost to you.
Photo credit: Melika
Betsy, I love this! The great news for us is that joy is ours as a fruit of the Spirit. We don’t have to dig deep to experience His grace, His gift of joy that we so long for.
May Mondays become your most favorite day of the week!
Yes! As we abide in Him, joy is a fruit He gives us, right? Thanks for that thought, Linda.
Yes, it ‘s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it?
I’ve ruined many a good day with my attitude. Thanks be to God, we can always start over!
I always remember Chuck Swindoll’s quote: “Life is 90% attitude and 10% what happens to you.”
Great wisdom!
Thank you!
I was awake at 5 a.m. this morning thinking of my grievances. When I gave up going back to sleep at 5:40, I picked up my phone and saw your email about finding joy. It’s been an answer to prayer that I didn’t pray! Isn’t God amazing that way?! He often answers the prayers we’re too befuddled or discouraged to think to pray! You’ve given me the keys to a joyful day and week. Thank you so much!
Praise God, Cynthia! I’m so glad if this post met your need. Praying for you now, my friend. May the Lord envelope you in His presence and power. May He meet every need.
Good morning, Betsy,
It’s June 1st and I returned to your wonderful post again for comfort and direction. I sent it to my daughter as well. Her husband is having chemo for Stage 4 renal cancer. That’s a heavy weight for all of us, but especially her and her family of four young boys. I’ll be rereading your “Finding Joy in God” post for some time to come, until I don’t let myself forget it.
A simple “thank you” hardly seems enough to send you for writing that gives my day a boost into the “joy column” each morning!
Blessings and joy,
Oh Cynthia, I am so sorry to hear about your son-in-law’s renal cancer. That is so hard. I am praying for you now, my friend. May the Lord strengthen you and renew your joy each day. May you, your daughter, and her husband sense the Lord’s presence near. In hard times, I start each day by declaring Lamentations 3:21-24 to myself in the morning. Love and hugs, Betsy
These are four fantastic “secrets” Betsy. I find myself with a sense of accomplishment and thanking God after attacking the things I am dreading. I thank Him for giving me the strength, courage, and discipline to do those things. Thank you, sister, for these timely words of encouragement. Your words are always an inspiration. Be well. Have a fabulous week, and God bless.
That’s a great point, Horace! Sometimes I think we wear ourselves out dreading things, yet if we just ask God for help and DO them, we finish them!
Changing the wording, like you did, from “I HAVE to,” to “I GET to” makes a huge difference in shifting my attitude. Also, I find that thanking God for what IS, vs. complaining about what ISN’T helps too. I agree that spending time in His Word and in His presence lets His joy infuse us. Great Truth to sink my teeth into here today!
Bev xx
Oh yes, Bev. The shift from “have to” to “get to” makes all the difference. I started realizing my busy day was many privileges all together on the same day!
This was so helpful this morning! Thanks for sharing and encouraging! Really working at seeking His presence – all day and in the routine. Feeling His presence whatever the task…making all the difference. Have a great week!
Glad it encouraged you, Jennifer! May the Lord show Himself to you today!
So true, Betsy! It’s not really our circumstances, but our attitude in the circumstances. I’m reading a book right now that is SO positive and it’s rubbing off on me.
Oh I’d love to know the title of the book you’re reading! I need books like that in my life! Will message you!
Betsy, this was so good. Mondays can be tough…like the Karen Carpenter song: “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.”
I so resonate with your perspective. Sometimes, we just need an attitude shift. Your point that most caught me was seeking God’s strength. I tend to get into the mindset that i have to do everything myself. And I forget that God wants to be invited into the situation and help with the work needing to be done. That’s when my joy tends to seep out . . . because my eyes are on me rather than on my Father.
Great reminder. Great post.
Amen to seeking His strength! And yes, He wants to be invited into the situation. Let’s keep our eyes on Him.
The timing of your post is so perfect. I was just reflecting and writing a devotional about a very similar topic. I am learning how framing my words with “get to” rather than “have to” is a great perspective changer. Thank you for sharing the joy we all need to change our point of view to one of joy rather than a burden.
Yes to the “get to”s! Changing our thoughts and words goes a long way to letting God shift our attitudes.
Such truth! Our attitude so determines our perspective on the day. Years ago I heard Chuck Swindoll say: “Life is 90% attitude and 10% what happens to you.” From that one statement, I learned to be responsible for my attitude and with the Lord’s help and His Word, He adjusts my attitude as needed. Have a blessed day!
Yes! I’ve always remembered him for that statement as well! So wise!