I’d love to serve the women at your event.
Nothing thrills my heart more than inspiring women to pursue a deeper relationship with God and build their faith through His Word. I long to help women get more of God’s Word in, so they can live their faith out. Even when life gets crazy.
You can find my speaking topics below, but I’m also willing to talk with you about the needs of the women at your event. I’ve grouped my talks under two main categories: Spiritual Growth/Renewal and Choosing Faith When Life Isn’t Perfect.

My passion is to hear God’s voice and experience His presence through His Word, yet so many distractions steal our focus from God: our busy schedules, anxious thoughts, and even our phones! These two talks based on my book More of God will equip women to move past distraction and experience more of God’s power and presence in their quiet times and all day long:
Getting More out of Time with God
This talk takes a humorous look at the reality of our lives and the distractions we face when we try to pray or read Scripture. Betsy will also help women overcome spiritual attention deficit and get more out of their quiet times by using her simple Word for Today method, which she calls spiritual journaling for the busy and distracted. She encourages women to:
- Invite and expect God to speak
- Try reading less to get more out of it
- Consider the power of writing Scripture
- Take one word or prayer into the rest of their day
Help for Distracted, Side-Tracked Prayer Warriors
Betsy wants women to know they are not alone if they lose focus and faith when they try to pray. This talk will encourage women to move past discouragement when it seems like God doesn’t answer their prayers. Betsy will also give women practical tips to:
- Get past distraction
- Pray God’s Word
- Add creativity to their prayer time
- Make prayer part of their daily routines

These talks will help women know they are not alone in their struggles, remind them of God’s truth, and equip them with strategies to put His Word to work in their lives:
Unshakable Faith When Storms Come
Have you ever noticed that just when you think you finally have everything under control, a storm breaks out in your life? Just when you solve one problem, another crops up. Marriage trouble, financial hardship, and problems with kids can shake our faith. Drawing on Mark 6:45-52, Betsy encourages women by looking at 3 characteristics of a woman of unshakable faith:
- She makes sure she has a strong ship (God’s Word)
- She keeps her eyes on Jesus, not on the waves and wind
- She invites Jesus into her boat
Main Truth: “A Woman of Unshakable Faith Stands on God’s Unshakable Word.”
Winning over Worry
If worrying were an Olympic sport, Betsy would win a gold medal because she comes from a long line of expert worriers, but she’d rather feed her faith than nurture her worries. This talk will encourage fellow worriers with a fresh look at Matthew 6:25-34 and remind them of:
- 3 Truths that stop worry
- 4 Tools that diminish worry.
Main Truth: “Faith grows when we turn our focus away from trouble and towards our Father.”
Living Loved When Life is Hard
Have you ever felt like you didn’t have a friend in the world and no one loves you? Even when our minds know the truth about God’s love for us, sometimes our hearts don’t quite believe it. In this talk based on 1 John 4:9-16 and other Scriptures, Betsy will:
- Share experiences from her own life where she doubted God’s love
- Remind us that love is a Person.
- Give 3 ways to hold tight to God’s love through times of trial.
Main Truth: “When life is hard, hold God’s love closer.”
How to be a Woman of Peace in a Troubled World
We all want to experience God’s peace, yet in today’s world things happen all the time that threaten to destroy our peace. Sometimes the attack on our peace happens in our home, or even inside our own mind. By taking a look at Romans 5:1-8, Betsy identifies 4 ways to stay calm and serene in the face of challenge. A woman of peace:
- Stands in the grace of God
- Rejoices in the hope of God
- Carries God’s love inside her
- Takes a message of peace into the world
Main Truth: “A woman of peace stays her mind on the Prince of Peace.”