Welcome to the last post of Fresh Starts and New Mercies! We’ve enjoyed guest posts by six beautiful women with inspiration and practical ideas for starting a new year.
Because God has a fresh start in grace for each of us.
Today’s guest is Tarissa Helms from the Introvertedmama.com writing about how moms can refuel when they’re running on empty:
Tarissa Helms is a wife and mother of three who believes most things in life are made better with a cup of tea. She shares her adventures in faith, parenting, and the introverted life on her personal blog, Introverted Mama. You can also connect with Tarissa on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
3 Ways to Refuel When You’re Running on Empty
I recently read a story about a man named Jim. Every day at noon Jim went to his church, sat down on the front row for 15 minutes, then slipped out. One day his pastor asked why he did this. Jim answered, “The world wears me down. So I sit here in church and bow my head and say, ‘Jesus, this is Jim. I need your help today.’ And he always pours new strength into me.”
My eyes filled with tears as I read this story. I can relate to how Jim feels, and perhaps you can too.
Even in the best of circumstances, life can be exhausting. There are days I wake up and feel like I have nothing left to give – I’m running on empty.
At the beginning of this series, Betsy encouraged us to leave time each day to refuel as one of the practical ways we can take the easy yoke.
So, what does refueling look like and how can we incorporate it in our own lives?
We Can Refuel Through Prayer
As busy as I feel at times, I can’t imagine what it was like to be Jesus. When news of his miracles and wonders traveled from town to town, “people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses.” (Luke 5:15) Everywhere he went, large crowds followed him.
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)
When our lives are at their busiest, our need for prayer is at its greatest.
One part of Jim’s story that spoke to me was that he prayed for only 15 minutes a day, but he did it consistently. He committed to a daily habit of prayer and God met him there.
We Can Refuel Through Quiet
King David understood the importance of quiet when he wrote these well-known words from Psalm 23:1-3.
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He refreshes my soul.
Finding quiet isn’t easy in our noisy world. Sometimes we have to be creative like Jim, who found a time and place that worked in his schedule. Where is your green pasture? Is there a time and place you could spend a few minutes alone with God each day?
We Can Refuel Through Rest
From the very beginning, God has been clear about the importance of rest. Following the creation of the world, he “blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” (Genesis 2:3)
Certain seasons of our lives will require more rest than others and Jesus extends the most beautiful invitation of all:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
My hope this year is that when the world wears us down – when we’re running on empty – we’ll accept Christ’s invitation. That we’ll find a quiet place to bow our heads, and say, “Jesus, I need your help,” trusting he’ll pour new strength into our lives.
Because he is faithful, friends.
He is faithful.
Now it’s your turn. What other ways do you stop and refuel when you’re running on empty? How could you make refueling part of your daily routine?
Linking up today with Brittany’s #FellowshipFridays and Barbie Swihart’s Weekend Brew to encourage and be encouraged. Join us.
Prayer, quiet, rest, yes they are all so refreshing. Slowing and quieting helps me to notice that God is here, in the midst of whatever I find myself in. Being able to do these amongst beauty I think is what I’d add, whether it’s the beauty and sacredness of a church like Jim, time outside looking at trees, flowers, or the sky, or in a cosy corner at home.
Great addition to the list! I agree, being in nature and soaking up the beauty God’s creation renews my spirit, too. 🙂
I agaree, Victoria! Beauty refuels our spirits. Thanks for chiming in with your beautiful voice!
Yes to all of these! Prayer is definitely the way to refuel and to get centered for me. I often also feel like I need to shift my perspective when I’m running on empty. So I start counting my blessings and look out for the everyday miracles that are always there to be seen.
Yes, gratitude has a wonderful way of shifting our perspective, doesn’t it? I’m counting gifts again this year (1000 gifts style, three per day) and you’re absolutely right, life is fuller when I focus on the good. Thanks, Ronja!
I agree with expectantlylistening! Finding beauty refreshes me. I feel close to Him when I am reminded of the beauty He created!
Visiting from the link-up at Fellowship Fridays.
Me too, Elizabeth! He’s the grandest artist, isn’t He? 🙂
Glad you stopped by, Elizabeth. Your blog name intrigues me!
Love this, Tarissa! I love the intentional 15 minutes Jim takes each day. Each day I’ve been praying for my kids individually and I’ve been amazed at how peaceful I have felt. If you have time, link up each Wednesday on my link up. I love to read your posts! 🙂
Thank you, Jenny! I love your idea to pray for each child daily. Thanks for sharing that suggestion! I’m looking forward to checking out your link-up and will definitely stop by next Wednesday and include a post. Hugs to you, friend!
Visiting from #fellowshipFridays thank you for sharing such a thought provoking post.
You’re welcome, Sharon. I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Wonderful post! I am so grateful that our God does refuel us when we need. As I read the post, I realized how He has used varied ways to refuel me over the course of my life. He knows exactly what will get my attention & fills me in different ways. Amazing to stop & realize this today. Glad to have been here this morning. Blessings to you both!
I’m so thankful this post served as a reminder this morning of God’s goodness. I also love the way He knows what we need, when we need it. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart. ♥ Blessings to you, too!
The one aspect I am really trying to work on is “Rest” because I find that when I don’t get the proper amount of rest, then the prayer and the quiet time always suffer. Thanks for being the salmon swimming upstream from what the world tells us we need to refuel!
Yes, it’s true Bev! Not only our prayer life suffers, our whole lives do! (Rest is my word for the year. 🙂 ) Thanks for stopping by today.
Excellent point, Bev. I’ve found the same is true in my life as well. Praying you’ll find new opportunities for rest this year! Thank you for your kind words.
Does social media count as refueling? Today’s I’m working on Pinterest instead of doing any real work lol
You are pretty funny, Brittany! I guess it it refuels you, go for it! 🙂
I’m sure your Pinterest boards look a lot better than mine. Mine are pretty sad…
Brittany, you always make me smile. The part of social media that fills me up the most are the friendships I’ve made. But I definitely enjoy a little Pinterest from time to time. 😉
Love this and your ideas! I seem to be in a season of needing rest so I will take heed of that idea. But there are times that finding that one thing that we are passionate about or brings joy and then engaging in that activity helps to refuel and reenergize. Blessed you linked with The Weekend Brew! Mary
I agree, Mary! When I’m using the strengths God has given me or partnering with Him in a project, I feel very energized. Please know I’m praying for you in this season, that you will find the rest you need. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your wonderful insight. ♥
Tarissa, thank you for a lovely post. I especially love the reminder about the importance of quiet in our lives.
I’m sure you need all the quiet you can get with your busy life, Deborah. How is work going?
You’re welcome, Deborah. I’m often surprised that it only takes a few minutes of quiet to calm my spirit. Recently I’ve taken to turning off the radio in my car after I drop my kids off at school in the morning. Those 10-15 minutes of quiet have become one of my favorite parts of the day!
What an encouraging post, Tarissa! Thanks for the scriptures on rest. How I need it every day. I strive to get up every morning long before the house and the world get busy–the only quiet part of the day. This is when I refuel–spending that alone time with God–before the day begins.
I needed this reminder today, Tarissa. Thank you. Sometimes we forget that not only is it okay to rest, but it is critical to our spiritual growth and nourishment. I love to sit down in the quiet and read a good book after the kids go to bed to refuel, although sometimes I’m interrupted by repeated trips to the potty, etc. 😉 I’m also thankful to have a husband who understands I need some alone time. Lovely post.
So very encouraging, Tarissa! I identify with all your suggestions! I especially love how you pointed out Jim’s consistency and intentionality. We must be consistent in taking time for the Lord to refuel us. And He will be faithful to give us what we need!
Thanks for sharing , looking for inspiration i came across this, i have so much going on in my life, and i refuse to let go of Gods hand, i will try to take more moments to rest.
Thanks Tarissa
Glad you stopped by today, Tarissa. Let’s keep holding on to His hand!