All the beautiful Thanksgiving images on social media can make a woman feel downright guilty if she doesn’t feel grateful. That woman may or may not be me, but the other day I woke up feeling more grumpy than grateful. I let a mini-disaster steal my gratitude.
The night before, I went to pick up my son from work at 10 pm but waited 20 minutes for him to finish. (Already a challenge for this morning person.) Driving up to the gate of our apartment complex, we met a surprise. The electronic remote wouldn’t open the gate! I kept pressing the button.
Nothing happened.
We got out of the car and tried to open the gate manually. It didn’t move. My husband was out of town, and I couldn’t think of a single neighbor whose door I could knock on for help because by this time it was almost 11 pm. Feeling desperate to get into my soft, warm bed, I used every ounce of energy not to panic.
Just then an angel disguised as a 65-year-old lady drove up. (I’m pretty sure she was actually a neighbor, but she looked like an angel to me.) Thankfully, she opened the gate, and I was able to follow her in. I fell into bed grateful that God had sent help when I needed it.
However, when my alarm went off at 5:15 the next morning, I could barely open my eyes, and I felt a grumpy cloud settle over me.
How do you give thanks when you don’t feel grateful?
You’ve experienced it too. Little things go wrong in your day and zap the gratitude right out of your heart. Or big things may go wrong in your life. Maybe you experienced loss or went through trial this year, and you’re just not feeling the gratitude this November.
If you’re struggling during this Season of Thanks, how about returning to a simple truth?
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
We know this verse forwards, backwards, and upside down. We’ve heard it so many times that it goes in one ear and out the other. I can hardly read it without remembering Sunday school in Fort Hancock, Texas. Miss Malloy said it was the Bible in a nutshell, so we painted “John 3:16” on pecans. Only I wasn’t that artistic, so I ran out of room after “John 3,” and the flower I tried to paint on my pecan got all smudged.
Years later, when I stop to remember this simple truth, I can’t help but feel grateful.
For God so loved the world that He gave…
God loves you and me more than life itself. He loved us so much that He gave His son for us. He poured out love for us at the cross. When life shakes us, we can hold on because God’s love steadies us. In the fiercest storms, we can rest because God’s love is our shelter.
Jesus died for us, so we can live eternally with Him.
We can give thanks no matter what because God gave His Son.
Here’s a Bible journaling exercise to help you remember you are loved:
Write John 3:16 down, substituting your name for “the world” and “whoever.”
Read it a few times. Declare it out loud. Believe and receive God’s love for you, my friend.
Pray along with me and see if you don’t feel a bit more grateful:
Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me enough to die on the cross. Help me to feel your love resting on me just as tangibly as I can feel a sweater on my shoulders. Your love covers and protects me. I receive it right now. Thank you, Lord, for your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Now it’s your turn: When life zaps the gratitude out of your heart, what helps you feel grateful again?
Note: This is a re-edited version of a post that originally appeared on Abby McDonald’s blog.
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Photo Credit: Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Gratitude is such a great attitude! 😀 Thank you for this.
Yes, it is! Let’s grow some today!
When I get caught up in negative situations or I am struggling, I often fine that “going back to the basics” is a good direction to go. My prayers become simpler…often “Jesus, help!” can roll off my tongue and what better scripture than John 3:16 (and personalize it) to get a much needed attitude adjustment. Great advice!
Bev xx
I find that “going back to the basics”–I call it returning to the simple truths– is life-giving to me in so many challenging situations. God loves us. Jesus died for us. We have the hope of eternal life. The Lord is our Shepherd. The basics!
Betsy, I was blessed to read this post this morning as I spent time reading John 3:16 last night before heading to bed. I love when God works this way! The lengths to which our God has gone to express His love for each one of us should surely fill us with gratitude. He is a good Father who gives good gifts to His children. Sometimes, we just need to remind ourselves. Blessings!
So cool that you were reading John 3:16 last night, Joanne. He truly loves you! And yes, He IS a Good Father. Blessings to you as well!
Thanks, Betsy, for tank-filling truth here!
It’s so refreshing to return to the gospel when I need hope. It’s just not to be found in lesser things.
Yes! The hope of the gospel! Happy weekend to you, friend!
I am in just a very hard place today and for the last 4 months since my son was killed in an accident. I have much to be grateful for with 3 other children, 7 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren but as I stop to thank God for all the love we share it hits me in the gut that I have suffered loss of a that other love. Death zapped my gratitude out of my heart. I know by God’s grace I will get to a better place of seeing his goodness but right now the pain overrides gratitude.
Dear Shirley, I am so sorry to hear about your son’s untimely passing. That makes my heart sad to even think about. I think it’s totally natural that pain overrides gratitude, my friend. I hope you’ll be able to rest in the Lord and pour out your grief to Him, give yourself permission to not be okay. I’m just so sorry.
I thank you Betsy for caring and sending the link to Lisa Appelo’s website for a wonderful blog that is so encouraging. God reminded me that I am have gratitude for some awesome women and that made me smile and I am grateful for God’s gift for me to smile. God is in the small stuff. I must look for him there and be grateful.
I am so glad you were encouraged, Shirley. Praying for you again now, my friend. Grace upon grace.
mmm … more grumpy than grateful. I’ve had some of those moments recently, mostly borne from tiredness or sadness.
Choosing gratitude is a life line. Yes. It pleases our Father’s heart and reorients us to what is true, lovely, excellent, and praiseworthy.
I take your wise words with me today, friend …
Bless you.
Thank you, Linda! Yes, tiredness and sadness can do a number on us. May the Lord bless you greatly during this month of November, my friend.
Irritable teenagers, tiredness, grief, painters in my house … yep, I can relate to feeling a little grumpy these days. 🙂 Remembering that these situations are mostly temporary helps. So does looking for the blessings in the mess (like how pretty my scarlet FiestaWare dishes look while my kitchen cabinets are without doors) and reminding myself that my long-term hope is in heaven (thanks to John 3:16).
I saw your IG post about open shelves and now I’m putting two and two together, because I’d also seen the paintbrush one. Grace to you during the remodel/painting season! It’s enough to drive a body crazy, I’ll bet. Glad you’re keeping your eyes on heaven!
I exclaim gratefulness so much I think God may get tired of hearing my voice!!!
Oh I’m sure He NEVER tires of hearing your voice, my friend! Hugs!
Thank you for your sweet and honest reminder of what it looks like to be grateful in real life. It’s not always gratitude journals and cute hashtags. Sometimes it’s in pouting and foot stomping (oh, maybe that’s just me!) But it is a choice. It is hard. It is messy. But God honors our gratitude and He is so full of grace for the in-betweens!
I know what you mean about the pouting! This is a challenge for me! It’s easy for me to keep a journal, but harder to thank Him during the bumps along the way!
Remembering, counting, and naming your blessings one by one helps a lot! Thanks for this reminder, Betsy. Many blessings to you!
Blessings to you, too, my friend! Let’s count His gifts!
🙂 Bless Miss Malloy! Little did she know her teaching of impatient little Betsy from years ago would influence so many today. Love that object lesson! I live where pecan trees abound and will think of your reminder – and Miss Malloy – with gratitude.
Thanks for chiming in here, Charla! I have never forgotten that vacation Bible school and Miss Malloy!
Dear Betsy, this was the first email I received this morning! Like an answer to prayer, I had pretty much let go of memorizing scripture. Gratefully, I am 76 & doubting my memorizing ability. I read your memory issues & am encouraged. I keep cards with reminder scriptures close by. Your tips will be super helpful. Praying scripture had been helpful to me though I need this blessed refresher now. I could write a book to precious Shirley in the passing of her son. I lost my 32 yr old son a few yrs back. I thought I’d never get thru it. I still miss him some times more sometimes it’s not the tsunami of pain I cried out to God in the pain learning of his death. I just knew then I couldn’t “do this” at midnight when the news came to me. This is too long to tell and yet, GOD carried me thru it all in so many ways & even now HE brings to mind various things that I love how HE kept me close. (Oh, & I remained sober by HIS mercy & Love to HIS praise!!)
A fav song: Our GOD is an awesome GOD!!
Blessings to you Betsy &Comfort to Shirley.