Last week was crazy week at my house. Actually, maybe every week is crazy week, but last week the craziness exceeded normal limits. Monday night I hosted a bridal shower for 35 women, Wednesday night 20 people came over to plan a community service project, Thursday I helped with a wedding rehearsal and went to the dinner afterwards. Friday night our house church had a games night, and Saturday I coordinated my friend’s wedding. Sometimes craziness just happens despite my best attempts to take control of my schedule.
As crazy week began, I wondered how I would survive, but I came across two little verses on Monday morning that proved to be my anchor:
“But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord’s praise,
for he has been good to me. “(Psalm 13:5, 6)
When I read these verses, God’s Spirit made them come alive. I copied them into my journal, tried to memorize them, and repeated them to myself during the week. They encouraged me to do four things: trust, rejoice, sing, and remember God’s goodness.
“But I TRUST in your unfailing love.”
No matter how complicated life seems, simple truths remain: God loves us, and we can trust Him. We can trust Him with our finances and our children. We can trust Him to help us with each task when our to-do list looks impossible. We can trust Him through the hard knocks of life; He causes all things to work together for good.
“My HEART REJOICES in your salvation.”
“I’ve decided to choose to be happy,” my 14 year old daughter told me recently. She reminded me that I can CHOOSE joy. I have great reasons to rejoice: Jesus died for me. God is with me, and nothing can separate me from His love.
“I will SING the Lord’s praise,”
Nothing transforms my attitude like worship when I feel worried or anxious. The simplest way for me to enter God’s presence is to quietly sing a little song, whether it’s while having my quiet time, driving my car, or cooking dinner. Jesus Culture has inspired me lately, so I’ve been singing, “Oh Lord, you’re beautiful.”
“For HE HAS BEEN GOOD to me.”
Remembering God’s goodness to me and thanking Him for all He’s done in the past gives me hope for today!
I’d love to say that memorizing and repeating these truths made my crazy week easy, and that I stayed cool as a cucumber. But the truth is, I came unglued a couple of times. Still, God’s word steadied me, and before I knew it, crazy week turned into grace week.
Do you ever have crazy days or weeks? How do you get through them?
Oh, yes, I know all about crazy days and weeks. Glad they aren’t all the time. Thanks for sharing and blessings on your days!
Thanks, Sandy. Blessings to you too.
great verse! it hasnt been too crazy but my kids have been more homesick lately! and its hard to see them in that spot! we moved back to the states this summer and the reality that we are here for good is settling in on them… it’s great to remember that He has been good and that we can trust Him in this process and rejoice in the midst of homesickness 🙂
Oh Florence, I know how you feel, I think. When we moved back to the States 4 years ago, it was hard on the kids. And watching them go through the adjustment wasn’t easy. Transitions are hard on kids. (and parents.) Grace to you, sister!
i hope you’ve had a more restful week this week! we have fall break (read, no school!) next week, and i’m now basking in the luxury of more time to stop and smell the orchids (not many roses around here!) 😉
Enjoy your fall break, Barbara. Fall break? We don’t do that, but it sounds like a great idea!