If God really loved me, this would not be happening. How could I believe God cared for me when swollen, sore joints all over my body made it hard to lift a book or make a sandwich, let alone walk? The doctor said I had Rheumatoid Arthritis. At 28 I faced the possibility of living the rest of my life disabled and sick. One day in desperation, I asked God to show me if He loved me.
Maybe you struggle with similar doubts, and you need God to reassure you, too. I hope my story will encourage you and give you some simple steps to believing God loves you.
When I hit rock bottom. I prayed a simple prayer, “God, I know you love me, but I just can’t believe it. If you do love me, please show me a sign.” I felt ridiculous; how could I ask God for a sign? What was I even expecting?
Later that day I got a call from the college pastor I worked with. When he said he and his wife, along with twenty of our students were fasting and praying for me, I recognized God’s answer to my prayer. Surely this was a sign of God’s love for me.
Miraculously, the Lord healed me months later, but something changed inside me that very day. I still hurt all over, but I believed God loved me. Hadn’t he taken the trouble to answer my prayer?
Friend, I don’t know what challenges you face today, but I do know God wants you to know He loves you.
God’s love surrounds us when life’s storms threaten to knock us down. But sometimes the very trials we face cause us to doubt. Maybe you’re struggling with illness or financial pressure. Perhaps you’re recovering from loss or carrying around the pain of a bad relationship.
Maybe you’re wondering if God loves you.
Ask Him.
What if you ask God honestly, “Do you love me?” If you struggle to believe He does, confess it and ask for grace. Ask God to reveal more of His love to you. It’s a prayer He delights to answer. You won’t take Him by surprise. He already knows your doubts.
Cling to Belief.
No one else has loved us like Jesus did when He died on the cross. Rehearse that over and over in your mind. Jesus showed His love by giving His life for you. Even when you don’t understand what’s going on in your life, choose to believe God loves you. You can trust Him. He redeems every trial, and He’ll work all things for good in your life.
Remain in God’s Love.
Keep yourself in the love of God. Thank Him for it. Remain in it. Rest in it, and remind yourself of it.
Actively pursue a knowledge of God’s love through Scripture. When you pick up a Bible, you don’t have to read very far before you find verses about God’s love. Highlight them in red so you can find them later. Meditate on them and declare them over yourself. Here are 4 to start with:
1. “Long ago the Lord said to Israel: ‘I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.’” (Jeremiah 31:3 NLT)
2. “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5:8 NLT)
3. “Hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5 ESV)
4. “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” (1 John 4:16 ESV)
Whether you’re struggling to believe or just needing a little reminder, would you pray along with me? “Lord, thank you for loving me. Would you pour more of your love into my heart today by the power of the Holy Spirit? I receive it by faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Now it’s your turn: Have you ever asked God to show you a sign of His love? How did He answer?
I know God loves me, I have never doubted that. I had a mammogram yesterday and received a call this morning that further testing is needed. Please help me pray that everything is ok. In any case, whatever God wills is ok. Thank you for your prayers and inspiration.
Oh Nila, I am so sorry to read this. I went through a breast biopsy last year, and it was a bit scary. (Forced me to pray more, that’s for sure.) Praying all will be well with you.
Thank you for your encouraging message. I Believe by Faith that God loves me because his word is true. and I used to feel God’s love so I knew he loved me, but now I don’t feel his love anymore and I don’t like feeling like this so I’ve said the prayer you put on here. thank you. Xxx
I am praying for you, Gail. We all go through ebbs and flows in our spiritual lives, and sometimes the feelings aren’t there. I rejoice to read you believe by faith, but I also pray that the Lord would give you a fresh revelation of his love.
I have been struggling with depression for two years and tried many medicines but none are working. I know in my God loves me but not in my heart. I don’t know why He has put this on me but I can’t continue like this.
I am so sorry for what you are going through, Martha. That sounds so difficult and painful. I am praying for you now, that God would light your darkness and pour his love into your heart in a fresh way. Please continue seeking for help. Prayers and hugs.