Sometimes I wish I had a recipe for life, where I could follow clear, step-by-step directions and get something delicious in the end. When life gets complicated, we long for instructions that will give us the results we want. We need clarity and yearn to know our next steps.
What does your life look like right now, friend? Does a job change, a new city, a new baby, or a a newly empty nest have you longing for a recipe for clarity? Maybe your life is so busy you just need a plan to calm the chaos.
Jesus gives his followers not a recipe, but a road to follow:

When I read these words, life sounds simple. Jesus gives us a call and a promise: if we follow Him, He will use us to bring life to others.
It sounds clear enough, yet on the daily, following Jesus gets complicated fast when I start trying to figure out things on my own. So many needs. So much to do.
I forget my number one job is to keep company with Jesus.
Jesus called Simon and Andrew, so they would follow Him, be with Him, work with Him, and walk with Him. When we follow Jesus, He’ll show us our next right thing. Each day. Each hour, if we ask him.
My Road to Calm and Clarity
The Next Right Thing podcast came along for me at the perfect time. Last year as my family and I prepared to leave our overseas home of 16 years, move to America, and send our youngest to college, life felt overwhelming.
But each Tuesday I looked forward to listening to Emily P. Freeman’s stories, prayers, and simple wisdom. The Next Right Thing brought peace and calm to my soul, reminding me Tuesday after Tuesday that my friend Jesus would never let me miss His plans for my life.
Clarity came as I realized my next right thing was to look to Jesus for my next steps.
You can imagine my joy when my favorite podcast became a book! The chapters are short, so I read one a day. What I love about the book is how each chapter closes with a “practice” and a prayer. Being a practical, how-to woman, I love it when a book gives me ideas for how to put truth to work in my life.

“The Next Right Thing” is a life-giving, peace-bringing mantra for my soul.
What is your next right thing?
If you are feeling frazzled, uncertain, or overwhelmed by the demands and expectations you’re living under, may I encourage you to step back a moment and turn your eyes to Jesus? Breathe deep. Light a candle. Take a walk. Do whatever it takes to help your soul calm down.
Ask Him simply, “Lord, what is my next step?”
And listen. His answer might surprise you. Sometimes we’re looking for big solutions, and “now-everything-is-solved-for-the next-10-years” answers, but Jesus wants to show us a simple, next right thing.
It could be as simple as:
- Choose trust and pray one more time for your need.
- Invite Jesus into your situation.
- Ask Him what you need to know.
- Take a nap or go to bed early.
- Change your baby’s diaper.
- Invite Your teen to coffee
- Tidy your workspace.
- Buy a copy of The Next Right Thing!

When we think of life in terms of following Jesus, we can breathe easier. We don’t have to figure everything out today. We can focus on following our Shepherd and Guide.
Now it’s your turn: What is your next right thing?
Are you facing the challenges of life on an empty tank? Need help renewing your relationship with God?
Follow this link to find me on Facebook for daily encouragement.
I am also a big fan of Emily’s voice of calm and clarity.
It should be obvious to me that the answer to my frenzied brain is NOT more striving and doing, but . . .
I know what you mean about that “but!” I listened to the podcast just this morning!
My husband is so good at snapping me out of my “deer in the headlights” paralysis. When chaos and anxiety merge, I freeze. Like the title of Emily’s book, my hubby gently asks me, “What’s the next thing you need to do?” We don’t have to take five giant steps…just one step in the right direction. I think I need to get my hands on Emily’s book! Thanks for sharing your insights.
Bev xx
I would highly recommend the book to you, Bev. Also the podcast. I listened just this morning. I never miss one.
Betsy, such a great post. I need to remember that sometimes, my next right thing isn’t to DO, but rather to BE. To look to Jesus for my next steps. Thank you for keeping this so simple. I needed this today.
Blessings, friend!
Thank you, Jeanne, for your encouragement. Yes, sometimes we need to “be” first. <3
I haven’t listened to the podcast yet but I’m in the middle of reading The Next Right Thing book and I am really appreciating it too. As you say, the chapters are a perfect length for reading one each morning, and there is so much useful advice!
Yes, they are a good length, Lesley! I read at night. The podcast is wonderful.
I like the practical view of things too!! I also have enjoyed “the next right thing” podcast anytime I’ve listened, it’s encouragement. It’s so true that when life feels heavy or chaotic that the first “next right thing” is always Jesus and He will calm our souls and He does this over and over and over each time we seek Him!!
Hey there, April! So glad to find a fellow podcast listener! Yes, Jesus calms our souls. (I think I’m needing that today! 🙂 )
Oh Betsy, we’re tracking together with our posts this week!
I love Isaiah 30:21 … ‘ this is the way, walk ye in it.’ God is whispering to us, guiding, us loving us, but we often don’t take the time to clear our hearts and heads so we can hear his gentle guidance.
He is so patient and kind with us as we work our way toward His heart …
I haven’t read the book yet, but I did mention it in my blog this week too, Betsy! The idea of doing the next right thing has been a life saver for me in the last several months … coupled with praying that God would show me what to do when I have no idea. I love your list of next steps too … I need to be more proactive about inviting my teens to coffee! 🙂
Emily’s voice is sheer heaven.
Agree with that!!! Just listening to her voice calms me!
There have been so many words, blogs and podcasts lately that have been speaking this same word to me. Taking the next step without fear but moving forward in what God has for us! Thanks for these encouraging words! And I love Emily Freeman as well! 🙂
(Stopping by from #HeartEncouragment)
I can forget this too: “I forget my number one job is to keep company with Jesus.” I haven’t yet read The Next Right Thing but I keep hearing lovely things about it. As well as about your book!!! I hope to read both eventually!
I love this book! And the podcast. They have made such a profound impact — definitely an annual read for me!
I’m reading (and loving), the Next Right Thing just now!
So glad! Isn’t it good! I need to read it again!