I’m a wanna-be prayer warrior. I long to grow a deeper prayer life, but I have a secret struggle with boredom. I know prayer carries power and changes lives, yet when I sit down to pray, I find it hard to focus. After two minutes, my mind travels back to my favorite Netflix series or my to-do list. If I try to pray before bed, I fall asleep.
Are prayer wimps a thing? I suspect I am one, and I wonder how to pray better. I lose my joy and forget the awesome privilege we have before God.
Scripture tells us we have an open invitation from the God of the universe: “Call to me and I will answer you.” (Jeremiah 33:3a)
We have a promise that He hears us: “You will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear to you.” (Jeremiah 29:12)
Through the pages of our Bibles, we see examples of men who prayed. Even Jesus, the Son of God, prayed, so I know I should too, but I find it challenging.
These practical tips help me overcome boredom and find more joy on my journey from prayer wimp to warrior.
Pray Simply
We might think we have to pray passionate, persuasive words for God to hear us, but in reality He listens even to our shortest “SOS” prayers. We don’t have to live up to that image in our minds of the prayer warrior who prays long and eloquent. We can rest and find joy in simplicity.
“The fewer the words, the better the prayer,” said Martin Luther. Isn’t that reassuring? We can talk to God in everyday language, just like we talk to a friend.
- God delights in a simple word of praise, like “Lord, I love you.”
- He treasures the anguished prayer of a mother when she calls, “Heal my child.”
- He answers the simplest request: “Lord, give me strength for today.”
Read the Word
Have you ever had a one-sided conversation with someone who talked continually without listening to you? You probably didn’t enjoy it very much. We do the same thing to God when we pray without reading the Bible. Reading Scripture helps us get to know God and brings life to our prayers. His eternal letter of love and wisdom renews our joy.
If you want to have a more effective, joyful conversation with God, read Scripture. Let David’s words in the Psalms enliven your prayers. Stop in the Gospels to pray over a verse that strikes you, asking God to work that truth into your heart. Let the words of Paul’s letters give you specific prayer requests for yourself and the people you love.
Make Prayer Creative
Have you ever made up your own worship song or crafted a brief written prayer? Why not give it a try? It doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to be awesome and amazing to renew your spirit. Make up a melody for two lines of a Psalm or write a few sentences to God.
Prayer grows dull for me when I turn it into a purely mental exercise. God made us creative beings, so why don’t we bring creativity to our prayer lives? Let’s light a candle and spend a few moments doodling, drawing, or journaling. We can have fun and pray at the same time.
Maybe we grow bored in our prayer life because we make it complicated.
We can find rest and freedom in simple prayer and take joy in knowing God hears and delights in us at all times.
Friend, if your prayer life has grown dull, may I encourage you to keep turning your heart towards God one brief prayer at a time? You never know when renewal will come, but I promise you this: it’s on the way.
Now it’s your turn: What helps you shake the doldrums in your prayer life?
Need ideas on how to get more out of your quiet time? I wrote More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times to help overwhelmed and distracted women recover a fresh sense of God’s presence, learn to hear His voice, and grow their prayer lives. Click on the image below for more info:
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Raising my hand very sheepishly over the “prayer wimp” label. It’s a rugged spiritual discipline, and I need all the help I can get. We believe in the power of prayer, and now we need to PRACTICE it!
Yes, my friend. Let’s practice it one small step at a time. One sentence lifted up at a time!
I have to admit that I smiled big when you asked if there is such a thing as a prayer wimp. Why yes, I know I am one. I see Michele is raising her hand too.
Praying simply is such a great idea. I know that I do better when I pray “breath prayers”–three to five words that can be said in an inhale and exhale. Many times they have more impact than a long prayer. I also love writing out prayers. That brings me joy. Thanks for a great post.
I LOVE breath prayers, Mary! For me also, sometimes just a few words is powerful. And you have me laughing about you and Michele being prayer wimps along with me!
Yikes! I don’t like the “wimp” label, but I think it actually fits me in the prayer department. Thank you for the encouragement to make the change from “wimp” to “warrior”! Great post, Betsy.
Thank you, Laurie! I don’t love that wimp label either. But how lovely to remember that God delights in us even when we are weak!
I think the “prayer wimp” label fits me too. It’s so easy to get distracted. Thanks for this encouragement in ways to move beyond that. I especially like the suggestions of creative ways to pray.
May the Lord bless you and draw you to Himself as you find more creative ways to pray, Lesley!
Yep. How I can relate to those fleeting Netflix thoughts! Loved all of this but the portion on simple prayers grabbed me, Betsy. Chatting w/our Father is amazingly simple, yet we somehow create this big effort out of things. Wonderful, simple encouragement.
Yes, Kristi! I’m all about simple when it comes to prayer. Because I can’t really do anything else. But how refreshing to know God is delighted.
“Pray simply” is such good advice. Too often we make it complicated when it’s just meant to be a conversation between us and God. I don’t think you’re a prayer wimp, Betsy. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Yes to praying simply! This really saves me and revitalizes my prayer life.