Can I let you in on a secret? I love my morning quiet time with God. I start most days on a hopeful note, but I often need a mental makeover by 5:00 pm. Between morning and evening, home school, housework, email, errands, and phone calls wear me out. I need an attitude overhaul by late afternoon.
Discouragement and Complaining knock at my door:
- What am I going cook for dinner?
- I didn’t finish everything on my list.
- What’s going to happen in Syria?
- Who left these dirty dishes on the floor?
- Why can’t they make their own dinner around here?
When we need a more positive outlook, God’s Word offers the following wisdom about transforming our attitudes:
The patterns of this world press in on us through television, social media, and even people around us, but God calls us to live a transformed life.
A transformed life flows from transformed thoughts.
I know of no better way to change the way I think than to meditate on God’s Word. I need something better to do with my mind than replay my to-do list, the latest bad news story, or the suspense thriller that maybe I shouldn’t have watched last night.
That’s why I’m recommitting to a life-changing habit: Scripture Memory.
God’s words written on our minds counteract the voices of the world and our own sinful natures. Two weeks ago, I wrote about memorizing single verses. Memorizing whole passages adds variety and richness to our meditation of God’s Word. It’s a good way to park our minds on a passage of scripture.
How to Memorize a Passage of Scripture:
Start by choosing a passage that encourages or challenges you, and read the whole thing. A small Moleskine (3.5 x 5.5 in.) makes a good scripture memory book. Write one or two verses on each page as you work through the passage verse by verse. Follow these steps:
- Read the first verse aloud 5 times.
- Write down the reference number and copy the verse under it.
- Repeat the verse 5 times aloud. Say the number preceding the verse each time. (For example if you’re memorizing Psalm 23:1, say “One. The Lord is my shepherd…)
- The next day, read your verse 5 times and say it 5 times from memory.
- When you’ve memorized the first verse, go on to the next.
- Each day, review the verse you previously memorized; then work on the one you’re currently learning.
More Tips:
- Say the number each time with the verse. This helps you keep verses in order as you work your way through a long passage. If you have trouble remembering which verse comes next, try to memorize the number and the first three words of each verse.
- Every few days, review the entire passage. For variety, listen to your passage on Biblegateway’s Audio bible.
- Do this together with your husband or kids for accountability and encouragement.
When we memorize passages of scripture, we’re equipping ourselves to make a powerful choice. The next time negative thoughts come knocking at our door, we can choose to change our thought patterns by running scripture through our minds instead. This afternoon, rather than griping about making dinner, I might get out my scripture memory book.
Now it’s your turn: Can you think of low moments in your day when reviewing a scripture verse or passage might help you flip your thoughts?
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I link up with Holly Barrett’s #TestimonyTuesday, Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup, Holley Gerth’s Coffee for your Heart, Crystal Storms’ #HeartEncouragement, and Arabah Joy’s Grace and Truth. Check out these communities for more encouragement.
This is so good.
I usually walk in the afternoon and that’s my memory verse review time – or if I’m working on something new, I practice then. I’m sure that in days to come, maybe a generation in the future, there will be tales on our road about the crazy lady with the big dog who talked to herself every day . . .
That’s a great idea, Michele, to review memorized scripture while you walk. That’s my prayer time, although this year, I often walk with my daughter. A different blessing, but it’s changed my prayer walk a bit. I can just see you talking to yourself on the road!
This is inspiring and amazing.
Blessings to you, Shannon. Thanks so much for reading.
Just as the Golden Rule… Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Honesty is the best policy and the truth shall set you free. I love this type of inspiration. Thank you most sincerely ☆Shannon Austin
YES! I can think of times throughout my day when I need to call on God first instead of my bad attitude. You inspire me with your scripture memorization and I pray that you your journey with this is successful. I am still at the point that digging in deeper for understanding God’s word is where I need to be. If I memorize along the way that is a bonus but it is not my goal. I always need the word to flip my thoughts and attitude and this will never change. Blessings as we journey to the cross this week!
Blessings to you, Mary. May your study of scripture also equip you to flip those those and attitudes when you need it! Memorization is not the only tool for that! 🙂
I have been pressing forward in the day so that the girls and I have “free time” in the afternoon before I start our supper & evening duties. During this time I meditate on Christ and my memory verses. Often walking around my garden or watering my new blueberry bushes… Set things to rights in my heart. This is so important to finish the day well & be joyful for my hardworking husband when he comes in….instead of ragged out, exhausted and grumpy. 😉
Such a great idea to take a bit of a break in the afternoon before cooking and evening duties. I think you’re so right about the importance of finishing the day well AND being the wife your husband wants to come home to. Thanks for sharing that. Hope you get lots of blueberries from those bushes!
I know what you mean about the attitude overhaul. It’s discouraging when you get up at 6:45 and by 7:30 you’re snapping and complaining (and by you, I mean me). Still thinking about this Scripture memory thing since you mentioned it in a previous post — it’s good to have something positive and encouraging to fill our minds and hearts with.
Very attractive website changes, by the way!
I hear you on the snapping by 7:30 a.m. I need that CONTINUAL renewal. And I mean continual! Thanks for the encouragement on my new blog design.
Betsy, speaking of needing a positive outlook, I’m reading this while on hold with the insurance company! 🙂 I know what you mean about those 5 p.m. mental makeovers … I need them too. I am so grateful for the verses that come to mind during those stressful times, as well as other times when I am feeling anxious or overwhelmed, and even in the middle of the night. I have a little blue box of verses on index cards, and although I haven’t memorized all of them, that box is a treasure to me. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Oh Lois! May the Lord surround you with His presence! I know what you mean about those calls to the insurance company!!! I also sometimes wake up, and need to get my mind anchored into God’s truth. That little blue box is a great idea!
Memorizing scripture has been such a lifesaver for me! I definitely need to have my mind transformed several times a day. 😉 It’s wonderful to be able to meditate on God’s truths over and over from verses I know in my head, to keep my mind centered instead of flying off in a million directions.
Thanks for sharing that, Lisa, those verses we know are a real treasure, aren’t they?
I know what you mean about starting the day well and losing a positive outlook along the way. Having Scripture to call to mind is a great way to help with that. I began memorising verses at the start of the year and learned four or five but I’ve slipped a bit lately. Your post encourages me to get back to that and also to try learning a longer passage.
Way to go, Carly with memorizing those verses! I want to review verses I’ve memorized and forgotten too. There is something especially mind-transforming about memorizing a longer passage. Just my opinion, but it gives me a longer something to sink my mind into when I need that attitude shift!
Hiding His word in our heart. I must confess, it’s the address that get me every time. Which is why I have to write down those favorite verses with their numbers so I’m not always saying “you know that one verse in ____.” 😉 Love your faithful encouragement to hold fast to His word. Blessings, friend. Ps…the blog looks great!
Thanks, Tiffany! I appreciate you. Yes, those addresses are pesky, but they’re there for a reason! I’m always citing things like this: Romans 15:? 🙂
I did this a lot when I was a college student–and those verses are still with me! (Of course, I wasn’t intentional enough about memorizing the reference because they involve numbers…but I can now type key words into Biblegateway and Boom! the reference pops up 😉 ).
Amazing how something memorized sticks with you. That’s how Psalm 23 is for me, Anita. And the numbers? I think they’re mainly helpful for keeping track of verse order in a long passage if you’re working on that. For single verses, not as important for me!
Discouragement comes creeping in far too easily for me. I need to be fortified by the promises of His Word. I so hear you about that attitude overhaul.
We have so much to be grateful for! Thanks for the gentle reminder, friend.
He is risen indeed!
Yes, He is risen, Linda! May you be greatly encouraged this week, friend.
I wish I had time during the week to have extended quiet time with the Lord. Unfortunately because of my schedule, during the week I have to take that time at night (weekends I gladly take it in the morning though!!). Thanks for these scripture memorization tips. This is something I’ve been working on recently! 😀
Good for you, Lauren! I can imagine that evening quiet time is more challenging. May God reveal Himself to you in those times, even if short instead of “extended!”
Sometimes I feel like my days are wrestling matches! You are right – sometimes I need a time out in the afternoon with God for refreshing – and coaching! Thank you for sharing your solutions!
Ha! Wrestling match days! That sounds about right. I just read the most helpful comment from a reader about how she takes a short break before she starts making dinner. Such a good idea!
I hate the act of memorizing, but if I do it in a way that doesn’t make me feel like I’m back in high school, I can remember. Usually the best way for me to remember is to choose a verse and spend the week applying it to my life. It seems to stick this way. I guess I’m more of a hands-on learner. Thanks for sharing your tips, knowing scripture is the most effective tool we have in life. And we can be sure we won’t be deceived by others when they misuse it.
You’re making me smile when you say you hate memorizing, Alecia! It does kind of make me think of school sometimes too! Really applying it and living it out is probably more important than memorizing, don’t you think? If I write it down in different colors on a card–maybe I’m a visual learner???–it helps me.
Betsy, I am in awe of folks who memorize entire sections or books of the Bible. Makes me want to hide under a table and whisper this, but…that feels so daunting to me. I can do verses, but large passages–wow. These are great tips you’ve shared. One of the ways I learn is by writing, so the notebook idea is a perfect one for me. Great advice, as usual. Thank you for sharing. ((xoxo))
Memorizing passages might not be for everyone, but starting with 2,3, or 4 verses, like the Rejoice in the Lord passage from Philippians 4 might be an easy first step.
I’ve done something similar…I call it my Scripture Emergency Kit (hopefully not to be used just in emergencies). But I keep some of my favorite scriptures on index cards where I can pull them out and put them some place prominent where I’ll see it all day. It’s a way of redirecting my thoughts when they go wandering where they don’t need to go. One thing I do need to work on is memorizing the “address” of scripture. Maybe, it’s just age, but I can remember scripture, but am hard pressed to give you the exact address…going to work on that. Great accountability reminder here today!
Scripture Emergency Kit! What a great idea, Bev! Good idea to have it where you can see it! I need to do that too Put my scripture memory book out where I see it.
“A transformed life flows from transformed thoughts.” Amen to that. I’m going to carry that one with me for a while. I am so enjoying this P31 study and seeing how it is transforming my mind already. I so enjoying seeing you today and loved the word you shared from Priscilla. Good stuff! Already passed it along. 😉 Thanks friend.
That’s a great idea on helping memorize whole passages, Betsy! I like how you suggest saying the number. I’ve always had trouble keeping things in order, like the Beattitudes for instance. Your suggestion will help with that!
It’s been a long time since I’ve memorized an entire passage. You’re getting me motivated. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you, Ginger! He is risen!
You’ve got it right, girlfriend. The patterns of this world do press in on us, but renewal through God’s Word is the very BEST way to be transformed!
I like the practical ways you offer on how to memorize Scripture. So many think it’s beyond them and they can’t do it – but if we break it down into simple steps, we can!
Thanks for sharing with us at Tuesday Talk each week, gal. Also, thanks for connecting with me this morning on my Messy Morning Mom chat! It was so encouraging to hear from you! You are just the best. <3
Yes, Ruthie! I need simple steps, Girlfriend. Oh yes I do. I think I might have ADD sometimes, and I’m as scattered brained as they come! (Just today at lunch I was thinking of Good Friday and thanked Jesus for His BIRTH! My daughter laughed..) So if I can manage to memorize a few verses, anyone can.
Loved your Messy Morning chat. 🙂
Great ideas and tips Betsy. The memorizing of scripture has helped both my spiritual walk and my memory as I prepare to serve Christ each day. I love having God’s word close to my heart. I know that writing it down helps me but I also like the idea of listening to the audio versions too. Thanks for sharing this biblical tool that can help us grow in our spiritual walk. Have a blessed Easter weekend my friend!
You have a blessed Easter too, Horace. Yes, it’s so good to invest in our minds and spirits at the same time when we try to memorize and meditate on scripture!
Featuring this great post on next week’s Tuesday Talk on my blog. Thanks for sharing with us this week.
Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate it. I’m enjoying getting to know some of the people at Tuesday talk.