Jesus came to bring us abundant life, but what if we’re running on empty instead? Last Friday, I rolled out of bed exhausted after a hectic week and a few late nights. Desperately needing Jesus to renew my heart, I turned to my Bible, but ended up hurrying through a few verses before rushing off to another busy day at work. (Ever been there yourself?)
The following morning, I woke up relieved. Saturday had finally come! Now I had a chance to spend more time with Jesus and read Scripture.
But I couldn’t focus.
I had more time, but my mind was still too busy to rest. Thoughts of all I needed to do crowded out my feeble attempts to pray or discern God’s voice through the words I was reading.
Have you been there too? Maybe you’re tired, wrapped up in your thoughts and worries, or just emotionally exhausted by everything going on in your life.
Feel like you’re at the end of your rope? Need Jesus to Renew You?
If you feel like you’re at the end of your rope and have little focus left for your relationship with Jesus, take heart. The disciples must have felt that way too when they walked to Emmaus three days after Jesus’ death. On the road they talked about how the man they’d followed 3 years had been arrested and crucified. (See the story in Luke 24:13-34)
Jesus Himself appeared to them, yet they did not recognize him. (Kind of like me when I sit down to read Scripture, yet I can’t recognize what the Lord is saying.)
Luke says, “their eyes were kept from recognizing him” (Luke 24:16), but I wonder if it was also because they were so engrossed in their own thoughts?
The Emmaus road story offers us 3 ways to renew our relationship with Jesus:
Clear Your Schedule.
The disciples had an encounter with Jesus during a 7-mile walk. We may not have time for 7 miles, but what about a walk around the block? What if we asked our Savior to accompany us? What if we made room for 20 minutes of breathing space to sit quietly?
Whether you have time to take an afternoon or twenty minutes, do what you can. Make space in your life for margin. We all need times to rest, reflect, and get renewed. Whether it’s physical or spiritual rest we need, let’s clear some time in our schedules to make room for Jesus.
Pray for Open Eyes to See Jesus.
Only after they arrived at Emmaus, when Jesus broke the bread for their evening meal, did the disciples recognize Him. Scripture says, “He took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened” (Luke 24:30b,31a).
Let’s ask Jesus to open our eyes so we can see His presence with us each day and discern His hand at work around us. What good thing happened to you recently? Did you view it as a gift from Jesus?
Ask Jesus to Open the Scriptures to You.
During the walk to Emmaus, Luke tells us Jesus explained to the disciples everything the Old Testament prophets had said about himself. They asked themselves later, “Did not our hearts burn within us…while he opened to us the Scriptures?”
If your mind starts flying in ten different directions when you open your Bible lately, ask Jesus to open your mind to discern His voice as you read His Word. Pray for a renewed love for the Scriptures and for fresh revelation of Jesus through your times reading the Bible.
Friend, if you’re feeling spiritually drained, call on Jesus.
He will renew us and wake us up to abundant life again when we call on Him. Let’s ask Jesus for open eyes to see Him today and open ears to hear Him through His Word. Then let’s make time to be with Him, even if it’s just 5 minutes. Jesus will leave his mark on our hearts.
Now it’s your turn: Which one of these 3 ideas do you resonate most with today? Leave a comment to tell me about it.
Need ideas on how to get more out of your quiet time? I wrote More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times to help overwhelmed and distracted women recover a fresh sense of God’s presence, learn to hear His voice, and grow their prayer lives. Click on the image below for more info:
Note: This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase, I earn a small commission towards the maintenance of this site at no extra cost to you.
Photo by Ali G Rashidi on Unsplash
Dear Betsy, just wanted to express my appreciation for your devotionals of inspiration. I’m a retired guy and the last few years, due to health issues, I have become so much closer to God. I continue to thank God for the miracles He has provided in my life. I do a lot of walking in a park near my home and it’s during those walks that I talk to God and listen to God. Your devotions help bring thoughts to my mind to draw even closer to our Savior. Thank you for that, and may God continue to bless you.
In Christ’s name, Alan
Thanks so much for your kind words, Alan. I’m glad if this encouraged you. How wonderful that you do a love of walking and encounter the Lord as you go!
I thank God for your posts and your love for
His word!
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Allison! I appreciate it.
Pray for open eyes, that spoke to me. I’m so blessed to start most mornings with God’s Word, a good devo, (thank you Betsy) my journal and a cup of coffee (2 actually). I love this time and I reluctantly leave it knowing that it will soon be a distant memory as the day’s activity leaves it far behind. Weary of the daily grind lately yet aware of my many blessings is the way I’m seeing life lately. Just this weekend me and my husband walking our farm discussing the very long to do list and I see a flower bed at the front of the house bursting, I mean bursting with beautiful yellow daffodils and it was the first I’d noticed them! It was like God was saying “don’t miss me in the daily grind, I’m there if you keep your eyes open.” This was a perfectly timed Bible teaching, I will reflect on it to connect with Jesus throughout my day.🤗
Hi Cindy. I love how God spoke to you through the daffodils! Beautiful. Yes, I also need to keep my eyes open to see Him there throughout my day.
Omg. My heart was filled with joy on this morning just reading about the 3 ways to a renewed joy. I felt drained from work and every day situations. Reading this really gave me a hope of extended faith to just tell God with a open heart and mind what’s going on and believe He will fix it. So thank you so so much. My God bless you.
So glad this encouraged you! Praying now for renewal in your life! New strength and joy! (We’ve all been there.)
Your book was so helpful. I am going to read it again. I absolutely love reading everything from you. You really relate to all I need. Thank you💜
Thanks so much, my friend. I appreciate your encouragement.
Found your article very resourceful.
Thank you for sharing.
I’m definitely bookmarking your page.
Thanks so much, Joan! Blessings!
Betsy, you are a very special woman and I thank God that you are so willing to share your distractions and your sweet suggestions to all of us with this same situation. I thank God for being so patient and loving with me. What a Great God. Blessings.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Joan. Yes, I am so grateful for God’s patience with us. Blessings back at you, friend.
I always feel like I am at the end of my rope when I hurry through or even skip my devotionals. This was a certain confirmation for these feelings and knowing that I am not alone (His Spirit and His people) is so encouraging. Blessings and honor, Christine C Sponsler
I know what you mean about feeling like you’re at the end of your rope. Somehow, if I hurry through or skip my quiet time, the day goes south from there. However, I do try to receve God’s grace and seek Him as best I can throughout the day, even if I missed it in the morning!
Amen 😀 He is faithful 😀
Thank you, I am overwhelmed with illness in my family. I will try to be more focused in my time with him.
I am praying for your family now, Marcia. Thanks for chiming in your voice.
I just discovered your site and I am so glad. I feel a burden to pray for my neighbors and our country. I need to make more time for scripture reading and I want to be open to what Jesus wants me to do for my family, my neighbors and my community. I want the Holy Spirit to open my eyes and my ears.
Thanks for chiming in here, Pam. May the Lord help you make more time for Scripture reading and open your eyes and ears. I want the Holy Spirit to do that for me as well!