Have you ever noticed how God often works totally differently than we expect?
When my husband, and I moved back to America after 17 years in the Middle East, I dreamed of how in my new life, I’d decorate my home in shades of gray, blue, and white. I carefully packed my blue and white Turkish ceramics because I knew they’d be perfect for the living room I envisioned.
The only problem was we didn’t have any furniture back in Texas.
We started from scratch as we set up house, and friends rallied around us, gifting us with some furniture and household items. My heart skipped a beat when a dear friend showed up at my doorstep to deliver her beautiful dining room table and chairs. Then I cried when an old friend gave us a lovely sofa, arm chair, Persian carpet, and end table that had belonged to his wife, my spiritual mentor who died two years ago.
God’s generosity through these friends amazed me, and He orchestrated a splendid match: everything went together perfectly!
The only hitch? Instead, of the blue, white, and gray tones I dreamed about, warm shades of rust, peach, cream and green grace my living room.
Too green and peachy for all my blue and white ceramics. But still a beautiful witness of God’s faithfulness.
God often works differently than we expect.
Bethlehem was too little to be among the clans of Judah. No one expected anything great to come from Bethlehem, yet God planned for Jesus, the long-expected Messiah to be born there:
Today, we honor Bethlehem, the town that was “too little,” as the birthplace of the Greatest Ruler who ever walked the earth.
The Jews expected an earthly King of Israel, yet God planned to make Jesus Lord of all the nations. The King of kings was born in a town too small to be on the map, and God’s people had a Savior they weren’t expecting.
Maybe you, too, are facing unexpected circumstances you don’t understand.
Bethlehem was too little.
Maybe you have a paycheck that’s too little.
Or a child that’s too loud or to gets into too much trouble.
Perhaps life seems too overwhelming or your marriage seems too hard.
We can surrender to God’s faithful care even when we don’t understand our circumstances.
If you are struggling to trust God this December, may I encourage you to turn your eyes towards His faithfulness? Even when we cannot understand the circumstances God allows in our lives, we can rest securely because we have a Shepherd who cares for us.
Even when God works differently than we expect, we can entrust ourselves to the Shepherd who works for our good.
The people of Israel had no idea God’s plan went beyond sending an earthly ruler to save one small nation. The Prince of Peace came to save the whole planet. In our lives as well, God has plans that go beyond what we imagine. We can trust the Shepherd who redeems every circumstance and works all things for our good.
And about the blue and white ceramics, I still have no idea what to do with them. Yet I marvel at how God provided our every need in ways I didn’t expect. He will do the same for you, my friend.
Note: This post is part of an Advent series, Treasuring Christ. Today’s name for Jesus is “Ruler of Israel.”
Want to follow along and receive my December Scripture reading plan? Treasuring Christ is a printable two-page leaflet to fold and keep in your Bible. To receive it, click on the image below and subscribe to my blog. You’ll find a Bible passage and a name of Jesus for each day December 1st – 26th, as well as suggestions for observing Advent with your family. {If you’ve already subscribed, you received it in my last newsletter.}
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Linking up with Kelly Balarie’s #RaRa Linkup, Mary Geisen’s #TellHisStory, Holley Gerth’s Coffee for your Heart, Crystal Storms’ #HeartEncouragement, Lyli Dunbar’s #FaithonFire, and Arabah Joy’s Grace and Truth. Check out these communities for more encouragement.
You had me right at that first sentence, Betsy —> ‘Have you ever noticed how God often works totally differently than we expect?’
Yes, yes, and yes.
And when I mull things over a bit and get over my shock and bewilderment and take some time to look at what He’s weaving, I end up not all that surprised.
Usually, just thankful. And a bit relieved …
I promise you that you’ll find the perfect place for those treasured ceramics. And you’ll end up smiling, ’cause it’ll make perfect sense.
Yes, it’s true, Linda. We DO usually end up not so surprised. Because His plans make perfect sense in the end. His plans are perfectly tailored.
Beautiful words sweet friend. It’s so very hard to trust in God during trials and hardships, but He always has a perfect plan for us and I think as time goes on and the more we see that in a trial or two, He shows Himself faithful to us and it makes it easy for us sinners to rely on His plan. Great post! 🙂
Yes, as time goes on, we at least can see all He has done in the past, which makes it slightly easier to trust God for the future! He is faithful!
Great reminder and “cheering on” to keep trusting God in matters. It’s one thing to not get an answer or get silence, but when you see things take a step backward vs. forward, it can make trust waver. Before Christ came, God was silent for 400 years….I hope I don’t have to wait that long….but boy did He ever answer a prayer!! Trying to keep His faithfulness in mind. Ps. If you can’t do your whole house in the blue, gray,white theme, what about one room, for now, that has that color scheme and features some of your beautiful ceramics??
Advent blessings,
Bev xx
Good point, Bev! I’m kind of glad myself not to have to wait 400 years!!! Aren’t you glad we have so much written down in the form of His word? And yes, I’ve thought of doing one room in the blue, gray, and white theme!
Betsy, delighted to be visiting you from Mary G’s linkup. The sufficiency of God always amazes me and at times overwhelms me. You had a different color scheme in mind, but God. And, you sound so very content — it won’t surprise me to read in the future of your new decor with blue and white and gray. Because God does give us the desires of our heart when we abide in Him. He delights in you, Betsy and I sense He will give you the design and decor of your heart!
Awww, Susan! What sweet and encouraging words, friend. I appreciate them. So nice to have you stop by here today.
I am glad to be your neighbor over at #TellHisStory this week. God’s ways truly are so much higher than ours. But He is always working for such beauty and grace to be seen. I love this thought: “We can trust the Shepherd who redeems every circumstance and works all things for our good.” In my own waiting, I can be so encouraged to rest in that trust of His own goodness. And what a sweet provision that He gave to you, through so many gifts there. Thank you for the encouragement you have shared here!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Bettie. I also loved that thought that our Shepherd redeems every circumstance. I’ve seen it so often in my own life!
Visiting from Faith on Fire. Yes, He absolutely works differently than we expect! Yet somehow He always amazes me and satisfies my heart in those very unexpected ways! He is growing my trust as I focus on His love and faithfulness in each situation. He always proves Himself trustworthy! Thank you for this beautiful and encouraging post!!
Glad to see you here from Faith on Fire, Cheryl. He ABSOLUTELY works differently than we expect. Yet His plan is always good.
Love this and blue and white ceramics (which would go perfectly in my home!) 🙂 The truth of surrendering to God is one that I can never hear enough of. His faithfulness in providing and carrying out His promises for our life is a gift. Life is not always what we imagine but it is always good when we have God at the center.
Yes to always having God at the center, Mary. His purposes for us go far beyond what we ask or imagine! (I’m smiling that you love blue and white, too!)