When I stepped into my neighbor’s house, twenty veiled heads turned to stare at me. I froze. I wished the ground would swallow me up. Everyone got quiet as all eyes fixed on my husband standing next to me. He was the only man in the room.
Without blinking an eye, our hostess smiled and asked, “Perhaps your husband would feel more comfortable in our television room?”
She whisked Jose off to another part of the house as I walked into the living room and began greeting the ladies in a language I barely knew. I thought I might faint. When my neighbor had invited me to her son’s circumcision celebration, I’d assumed it was for couples. How could I have missed the fact that this was a party for ladies only?
When our family moved to the Middle East sixteen years ago, situations like this happened often.
An airplane had landed us smack down in the middle of unknown and uncertain territory. A lot of the time I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do in circumstances like these:
- When I dropped my gregarious, extroverted son off for pre-school one day, two months into the school year, he wrapped his arms around my legs and cried, begging me not to leave him there.
- When I decided to homeschool a year later, my neighbors thought I was crazy.
- Sometimes other kids made fun of my children for being Christians.
- I didn’t know how to live out my faith among people who couldn’t understand it.
During our years here, there have been many times when life has looked uncertain, but Jesus has always proved to be a faithful shepherd.
When feel lost, Jesus shows me the way.
Friend, your “lost” probably looks different than mine, but you don’t have to move to the other side of the world to encounter unknown territory. I bet you’ve had your share of twists and turns in the road of life. A cross-country move, a failed project, the loss of a loved one, or a divorce can leave us groping in the dark.
When we feel lost, our Shepherd knows the way. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6
Jesus is the way.
When the road ahead looks uncertain and uncharted, Jesus is our way. If we follow Him, we can’t miss our destination. He’s both the road we’re traveling on and our end goal.
He’s Our Companion
I always tell myself where I’m going is never as important as Who I’m going with. Even when we’re not sure where to go or what to do next, we have a traveling Companion who’ll never leave us. When the road ahead looks bumpy and broken, let’s make it our goal to stick with Him.
He’s Our Guide
If we stay close to Jesus, we can trust He’ll show us the way. We don’t have to worry about what to do. Our Guide goes before us, opening and closing doors, giving us the wisdom we need.
You may be facing unknowns in your life.
Maybe your child will be starting a new school in the fall, or she’s leaving home. Maybe you’re finishing school yourself, or you’re between jobs and have no idea what the future holds. When life leaves you feeling lost, stick close to your Companion and Guide.
No matter how bumpy the road looks, we have a traveling companion who’s never let us down. He not only shows us the way, He is the way. All we have to do is stay near Him.
Now it’s your turn. Are you facing any uncertain circumstances right now? What helps you stay hopeful?
Note: This is an edited version of a post that first appeared on HollyBarrett.org. This summer, I am writing a book and have planned to refresh and share posts about my life in the Middle East and what I’m learning here.
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I link up with Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup, Holley Gerth’s Coffee for your Heart, Crystal Storms’ #HeartEncouragement, Salt and Light with Shannon Guerin, and Arabah Joy’s Grace and Truth. Check out these communities for more encouragement.
I love how you point out the Jesus is not only the road we travel but He is the end goal…He is our everything if we will let him. Having come through a very trying time with surgery, shingles, and recuperation, once again I see God’s faithfulness and have felt Christ’s nearness as my never-wavering companion. Lovely reminder of Truth here this morning.
Bev xx
Thank you, Bev. I’m praying now for your complete recuperation. It has been a long, hard road for you, I know. Hoping your path is smoother soon.
Yes! I remember reading this post the first time and being swept away by the way God has worked in your life as you’ve followed Him. It’s been a privilege to read more in the days since that long ago post at Holly’s place, and I’ll be praying for you as you labor away at that book!
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Michele. It means a lot today. 🙂
Betsy, reading this was so refreshing. Having just stepped into some unfamiliar territory during our family vacation I can really relate to your point ‘where I go is not as important as who I go with’. We face a lot of unknowns but with my family beside me it feels more like an exciting adventure. How much more with Jesus beside me?
Thank you, sweet friend for always pointing us to Jesus. And good luck with that book by the way. I’ll be one of the first in line when it’s finished! <3
I’d love to hear more about your family vacation, Marva. Blessings and grace to you today, friend. I know your way has been hard this last year, but I know God’s given you many blessings along the way. Thanks for your encouragement.
Sweet, sweet word. I often think about you and the cultural transitions you’ve faced, Betsy. I’m pretty certain I wouldn’t have faced it as smoothly as you have. You’re proof that trust in God Almighty and His grace can faithfully guide a girl. Keep shining that light so beautifully, friend!
Thanks, Kristi. I feel like a clumsy American a lot of the time. So thankful for friends here who show me much grace.
Betsy, I admire the courage it takes for y’all to live in an area so foreign to your roots. And yet, it seems as if you’re creating roots there too–what a beautiful testament to the inclusive boundary-less family of God. I’m excited to hear about your book! Prayers for you as you write His words. ((xoxo))
Thanks, Brenda. My life doesn’t take any more courage than yours, I don’t think. 🙂 You’re pretty courageous yourself! Yes, God’s family is without boundaries. 😉
fascinating, brave, beautiful, your story, your ministry, your life, Betsy. you enlarge my world with your obedience to Christ …
bless you, girl.
Oh Linda, thank you for your encouragement. I really don’t think I’m all that brave, but your words encourage me. (I’m not brave, but I am stubborn! We stick it out and stay put although it’s not always easy! 🙂 )
I love your testimony of knowing God with you in the midst of the unfamiliar and uncertain. It’s always encouraging to know that he is with us and that he knows the way even when we don’t, and I love this: “where I’m going is never as important as Who I’m going with.” Blessings to you as you work on your book!
Thanks so much, Lesley. I appreciate your reading my words. May the Lord be your companion and guide too, friend!
Oh, my. You are MUCH more brave than I could ever be, Betsy. I admire what you’re doing (and have done). May God continue to bless you on this journey. Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned with us so we can have stronger faith too!
Thanks so much, Lisa. I appreciate your encouragement. 🙂
Betsy, I can’t imagine how lost it must feel to go to a place and people completely foreign. I’m looking forward to reading more about your life there and all that God has taught.
Thanks for your support across the miles, Lisa. I appreciate you and our friendship.
Wow! What an honest post of inspiration and encouragement Betsy. Thank you for these poignant reminders that our Savior is always near. Your story is incredible. I look forward to reading your book. You have a great way of putting things in perspe give. Thank you again for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend and May God conti he to watch over you and your family as you serve Him.
Thanks so much, Horace. I appreciate your reading today. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Amen! I am so thankful for Jesus.
Me too!
Love love love this my friend! I plant to share it during my series on moving toward the mess. Blessings!
Thank you, Liz! Love to you.
It’s funny, Betsy, but when I started reading this post, the first thing that came to my mind was, “I love when she writes about her life in the Middle East … I wonder if she’ll ever use these experiences in a book?” Then I get to the end and find out you actually are writing a book … 🙂 Whatever it’s about, I’m sure it will be wonderful.
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Lois. My book is to encourage and help Distracted Women have more meaningful time with God. Someday I WILL write a book about life here, but not while I’m still living here. 🙂
Your life drips of beautiful surrender! Thank you for sharing how God is continually working in your life.
Aw Barbie! I don’t feel like I’m beautifully surrendering at all, but at least I’m doing it crazily and messily? 🙂
As I approach our 30th wedding anniversary and the one year anniversary of my precious soul mate’s death, your words of encouragement warm my heart and lift my spirit. So happy I stumbled onto your site through The Upper Room. Please sign me up for your daily devotionals Betsy. Love, your sister in Christ, Marsha
Thanks so much, Marsha. May the Lord encourage you as you continue to mourn the loss of your husband. I’m so sorry. Praying for you now.
This post was such a wonderful encouragement to me, Betsy. You’re right. What’s most important is knowing who our companion and guide is, in situations where life is uncertain. I’m so thankful we have Jesus. Thank you for sharing this post at Grace and Truth. I would love to feature it tomorrow.
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Dawn. I appreciate you. Yes, knowing our Guide is more important than anything. 🙂