Last month, my son left for college. Talk about a roller coaster! I couldn’t wait for him to go, and I cried after he left. Now that he’s officially left home, my role as a parent will change. I wonder, “Did I do all I could as a mom? Maybe I should have taught more life skills, or spent more time reading aloud when he was a kid. I should have limited his screen time more.”
Doubt comes at us all from all directions.
We start work on a new project, but we wonder, “Did God really call me to this? What if I mess this up?”
A friend doesn’t return our phone call, and we think, “What if she doesn’t like me anymore?”
Our spouse is late coming home, and we wonder, “Maybe he had an accident?”
Doubt steals our joy and peace. It wears us down. It robs us of energy and focus because our minds go spinning off in a million different directions thinking about all the “what if’”s and “maybe”s.
Doubt diminishes when we draw near to God
We can take all our “what if”s and “maybe”s straight to our Heavenly Father and turn them into prayers. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that God is all-Wise, that He loves us perfectly, and that He’s working for our good in all situations. Sometimes we even doubt that He really hears us when we pray, but here’s a prayer God loves to answer, “I believe. Help my unbelief!”
The Bible is our best weapon against doubt. As we hold on to His Words, read them, proclaim them, and pray them, doubt diminishes, and faith grows.
Doubt shrinks as we focus on God, His love, and His power.
Rather than let my mind go off on a thousand worrisome bunny trails, I’m want to stick with God and His Word. For example, I don’t have to worry about my son coming up short because I didn’t teach him enough about money and time management. God loves him infinitely more than I do. When I read God’s promises, I can trust my Heavenly Father to continue working in my son’s life.
Friend, whatever doubt you’re facing today, remember that God rules over every situation with perfect wisdom, love, and power. His faithfulness won’t fail you.
Now it’s your turn: What helps you deal with doubt? What’s your favorite promise from the Bible?
I’m linking up with Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday. Writers all around the world join in a flash mob of free writing. This week’s prompt is “Doubt.” Join us over at Kate’s place for fun and encouragement. Also joining with Arabah Joy’s Grace & Truth, and Barbie Swihart’s Weekend Whispers.
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Great is thy faithfulness was the hymn that popped up in my mind as I read your post! Doubt comes at us from all directions but when we trust fully in God, that doubt goes away doesn’t it? Visiting from FMF where I’m parked over in the 11 spot.
Oh yes. I love that hymn, Tara. It comes to my mind once in a while, and I sing it to myself. Thanks for visiting today.
Absolutely right; doubt wears us down. Well-said.
I no longer have too much trouble with doubt; I know God loves me, and as for the rest, well, what happens, happens. I want to get well; thinking about it is a waste of time.
I want to have a literary agent who believes in my work; I just have to keep writing, and eventually it’s going to happen.
No need to waste time doubting; just keep going.
You’re right, Andrew. Doubting is a waste of time, keeps us from more important things. Thanks so much for reading my words. It means a lot to me.
Betsy, what a marvelous post. You and I were thinking on the same track this week. I love this >>>> doubt diminishes when we draw near to God. <<<< So true. Every time I have wandered into doubt, God has been faithful to destroy the doubt, if I will draw up close to Him. Enjoyed your post!! I'm at #23 this week at #fmfparty.
It’s amazing how that works: Draw near to God, and doubt diminishes. Let your thoughts stray, and focus on God, doubt GROWS! Blessings to you, Leah.
Thank you from my heart for this peaceful encouragement . My son who just started 6th grade is going on his first âmiddle schoolâ retreat with our church. He leaves tonight and returns Sunday afternoon. I am so happy for this opportunity for him but I am so nervous inside for him!! He struggles with severe skin issues and I pray he will manage it wellâ¦â¦.My worrisome mind has gone absolutely wild but I know our God is in total control and will protect and comfort.
PS I can never post because it always gives me problems with passwords etc etc …..
Oh dear Tracey, I understand how you feel. I’m praying for your son right now, that he’ll have a great time, and for you, that you will rest in Jesus and enjoy your weekend.
Betsy, such true, beautiful words! I love what you said about God always hearing and answering our prayers that He would help our unbelief. You’re so right, belief is the answer to doubt. Belief in our amazing Father and His intimate role in our lives, when we seek Him.
For me, when doubt comes in, I am learning I need to focus on truth. Doubt seeks to get my eyes off of God, off of His truths and focus instead on emotions, failings, etc. Remembering God’s truth, and what He says about me (and who I am to Him), helps me move beyond doubt’s clutches a little faster.
Thanks for your encouragement, Jeanne. It’s true that doubt is a roller coaster, and belief gets us standing on the Rock. So hard to put it into practice sometimes, isn’t it? 🙂 God help our unbelief!
I LOVE this, Betsy, especially the paragraph about the bunny trails and God’s promises. 🙂 Isn’t it amazing how God’s Word provides the way out of doubt, even when we are doubting Him? “I believe, help my unbelief.” “Not my will, but yours.” Blessings to you today!
Thank you, Lois. I pray that, “I believe, help my unbelief” prayer a lot. From Mark 5, I think?, but I forgot to put the reference on the FIVE MINUTE Friday post. 🙂 You have a good weekend too.
I love that so many us targeted the fact that God helps our unbelief. It’s such a beautiful thing to be able to go to the One who we are doubting and ask Him to help us not doubt Him – AND HE DOES IT!! That’s our God of grace. The verse from Isaiah is one I meditate on often – there is nothing like His perfect peace.
Yes, Tiffany! We need His grace to believe, don’t we? Thanks for being here today.
I LOVE your post. The reminder that the closer we draw to God and focus on His character, the less ground doubt has in our lives.
Amen! I want to draw near, and send doubt packing!
Doubt does diminish as we draw close to God…what a great reminder, Betsy! And you have been a wonderful mom…your boy is going to do great. And even in his not-so-great moments, because they all have them, you will be there to provide a soft place to land. Enjoy the next phase as he launches out into his own life. You have prepared him well and now get to watch the fruits of your labor. 🙂
Aw, thanks for this great encouragement, Holly. You’ve walked down this road already! I appreciate your words this morning.
I want to stick with God and His Word too; Doubt is a mean beast. Thank you for the great scriptures and blog reminder of what we should be focusing on. God bless you!
Thanks for stopping by here, Jenny. Let’s focus on Him!
My favourite (non-Biblical) statement about doubt is from Yann Martel’s novel Life of Pi : “Choosing doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.” In context, he (or rather the fictional narrator, Pi) is saying that we all experience doubt but we can’t stay there forever. So I appreciate that you’ve given some insights into how to live through and conquer doubt. I think doubt IS a place we all visit at some point(s) in our lives but God wants us to trust him, to cast all our doubts on him.
I LOVE that quote, Jeanne. Yes, doubt is a place we all visit, daily, I think, don’t you. That quote is really interesting. Doubt doesn’t get us anywhere!
Love this! “doubt shrinks as we focus on God” The more I lean in to trust God, the less I allow doubt to take over.
Oh yes, Kathryn. More God and Less Doubt. That’s what I want!
“Doubt diminishes when we draw near to God.” Amen, friend. It’s a joy to be your neighbor at FMF this week. Thanks for the encouragement here!
Betsy, This resonated with me: “We start work on a new project, but we wonder, “Did God really call me to this? What if I mess this up?” and you’re right, when I focus on God, peace returns 🙂 Praying peace for you as you adjust to your son being away.