Have you ever faced hopeless situations when you wonder if God is on your side? Right now I’m hoping against all hope that my husband and I will find someone to sublet our apartment in the next 10 days. We’ve advertised for 6 months and prayed like crazy, but right now there’s no one banging on our door asking to rent the place.
As we prepare to relocate from Turkey to Texas for just 9 months, I’ve told God again and again how much easier my life would be if we didn’t have to pack everything up, put it in storage, and then look for another place when we return. I’m still hanging on to mustard seed faith. But if God’s plan is different than mine? Well, then I hope He’ll give me the strength to pack up during our last weeks of goodbyes!
Hope is a crucial ingredient that keeps us going through the challenges of life. Hope helps us to cut those carbs when we realize we really need to lose 10 pounds. Hope keeps us going through one more day of caring for an autistic child. Hope sustains us when we lose a job or a loved one.
Hope sets us apart. God calls us to be people of hope even when the world looks hopeless. Hope is a beacon that lights the darkest dark, but some days it’s hard to hang on, isn’t it?
Friend, I don’t know what you’re hoping for today. Maybe you’re fighting to hold on to hope, or maybe you’ve lost it.
God’s Word says it over and over: Our Hope is in the Lord.
“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Ps. 31:24
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” Ps. 62:5
God is a God of Hope.
He has plans to give us hope and a future. We place our hope in His promises. We place our hope in the power of prayer and in his faithfulness and love for us. He can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.
The Gospel is a Message of Hope.
We hope because Jesus conquered sin and death when he rose from the grave after the horrible crucifixion. And one day He’s coming back to rule and reign forever. We have an eternal home with him where there will be no tears. Only rejoicing.
That’s my greatest hope.
Now it’s your turn: What are you hoping for today?
I’m linking up with Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday. Writers all around the world join in a flash mob of free writing. This week’s prompt is “Hope.” Join us over at Kate’s place for fun and encouragement. Also joining with Grace & Truth, Susan B. Mead’s #DancewithJesus, and Barbie Swihart’s Weekend Brew.
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Hopping over from FMF! Praying you resolve the apartment issue. God bless! Lyndse
Thanks, Lyndse!
great post betsy. praying for that apt. to get rented! wishing i was in TX again so we could find a way to meet up. will you be traveling much? praying for you as you “furlough” and stress out more than if you were in your own home:) i’ve been there.
Oh thank you, Martha. We probably won’t be traveling a whole lot because we had a two month traveling furlough last year. Now it’s mainly to be with our son and family. My husband may travel some.
praying for you.
Betsy, I love this reminder: God calls us to be people of hope even when the world looks hopeless. God does call us to be people of hope…showering hope, real hope on those around us in this hopeless world. Thanks so much for that. Stopping in from #FMFparty. HOPE your furlough goes well.
I HOPE so too, Leah! Yes, God does call us to be people of hope. If we look too much at the world, it’s easy to lose it fast!
I’m hoping to hear His voice ever clearer each day. To KNOW the steps He has for me to follow and be obedient. I hope to devote my heart to Him more each day and trust in His goodness, faithfulness, and mercy. Betsy, how often I have been in your shoes–praying…waiting…hoping. I’m praying for you and this situation, sweet friend. I read this passage this morning: “I removed his shoulder from the burden; his hands were freed from the baskets. You called in trouble, and I delivered you.” (Psalm 81:6). I praise God for His love and compassion and amazing provision. I wrote this in my journal today: “Listen and trust and follow, Sabra. The Lord God is with you. He will deliver you if you serve Him alone and worship Him with your whole heart. Stay true, stay strong. Wait upon His answer.” We constantly need to be reminded of this, don’t we? May God give your heart His unbelievable peace as you wait upon Him in expectation. Love you, girl!
Amen, Sabra! Thanks so much for sharing part of your journal. Your words bless me today. Isn’t it wonderful how God speaks to us through His word? Today I read about Believing Prayer: that we will receive it if we believe it. Obviously sometimes God doesn’t have the same plan we do, but it was a good reminder to me to stand in prayer and not give up hope. I know God is with me. I share this hope with you: to hear His voice more clearly each day, to know and to obey! Amen! That’s what I want.
As so often happens when I read your blog, Betsy, this was just what I needed to hear today. My son had a seizure at his day camp yesterday. He is fine, but it was a stressful day. And my daughter is struggling so much with anxiety and meltdowns related to her Asperger’s. I need the strength and hope that can only come from God. I’m thankful for your faithful encouragement to so many women.
Lifting you and your kids up in prayer today, Jeannie.
Thank you, Sabra – I appreciate you praying for us.
Oh Jeannie, I’m so sorry to hear about your son’s seizure and your daughter’s anxiety. (My daughter struggles a bit with anxiety as well.) Reminds me of that saying: “It never rains. It POURS.” I’m praying for strength and hope to be poured on you by the God of Hope.
Praying that God will work everything out in your situation, Betsy. I will stand with you in prayer and claim the hope we have available in Him. Selfishly, I can’t wait for you to get to the states so we can have a cup of coffee and visit:) God’s protection and provision for you during this time of transition!
Do you know, Kristine? It looks like yesterday something came through! Hours after I wrote this post. It’s still only about 90% certain, but we’ll know in the next few days. Just goes to show there’s always HOPE! Looking forward to seeing you too.
Beautiful reminder of holding on to hope. I pray that everything works out with the sublease.
Thank you, Amy!
Hi Betsy,
Visiting from FMF! I’m #10. As I read your post, I couldn’t help being reminded of a similar time in my life. I rarely link in a comment, but perhaps my story will encourage you: https://bringbread.wordpress.com/2014/02/11/unclench-the-fist-you-arent-holding-anything-anyway/
Yes, our ultimate hope is in Him and in Him keeping His promises. God bless you! Thrilled to be a new follower. 🙂 Colleen
Thanks, so much for reading my words, Colleen. I look forwarad to reading yours and keeping my hope in Him!
Betsy, praying for you to sublet that apartment! Excited to see what God’s going to do there – keep me posted!
And I hope I can get set up with WordPress without losing everything and going mad in the process! (That’s probably also a false hope, but hey, one can dream, right?!)
Are you on blogger, Ruthie? Good luck and God’s grace on your switch! AND it looks like we found someone to RENT our place. God is even early, huh? 🙂
Yes – Blogger for the past five years. Ack.
You’ve found a RENTER?? Wow, God was fast on that one! YAY and PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Thanks for once again pointing us to our unfailing source of hope, Betsy! Today I’m hoping the bulging disc in my neck will respond to physical therapy. It has made writing difficult, with pains going into my right arm. After praying, I bought a treadmill attachment for my laptop, which I will set up this afternoon. Hopefully it will help to not be sitting so much.
I hope your packing and moving is easy and blessed; I’ll be praying for that. It’s so great you’ll be there as Andres transitions to college and adult life.
Love and blessings!
I will pray for your neck as it comes to mind, Lisa. My brother has been totally incapacitated due to a similar problem. Praying for you, dear friend.
That’s my greatest hope too, Betsy! So encouraged by your post today! If you’re going to be in the San Antonio area and want to meet IRL, send me an email, I’d love to meet you! Nine months isn’t a long time when you’re having to deal with a complete move scenario. I hope your apartment rents soon!
Betsy, what a beautiful post! And you quoted some of my absolute favorite verses! And this? “Hope is a crucial ingredient that keeps us going through the challenges of life.” Such truth in these words. I can’t imagine a life without hope. Some people have said hope is what gives us breath to keep going during the hard times. If we give up hope, we stop breathing.
For me, I’m hoping to be a light to unsaved family members. When there’s a lot of water under the proverbial bridge, it’s hard for them to see beyond the past. We have some family members who are very ill, and my heart keeps hoping they’ll turn to Jesus.
I HOPE you’re able to sublet your apartment. I’m certain God will prepare you for whatever His plan is. Saying a prayer for you now.
It looks like our apartment will be sublet! We are so relieved. God is even early! We’ll know for sure on Tuesday. May the Lord use you as a light to your family. I’m sorry about the illness some of your loved ones are experiencing. So hard to watch. May Jesus open their hearaats.
Thank you for this post! Yes, our greatest hope is Jesus!
Amen, Lauren! I read on another FMF post, Leah Adams: our Hope is a Person: Jesus!
Hi Betsy,
I am really hoping for a lessening of physical problems. Lately I’ve been bombarded by an accumulating list of physical maladies and I just long to feel healthy. But, as you pointed out, our hope is not in circumstances, but in the Lord. I need to shift my hope that in Him, His grace will be sufficient for all my needs. Thank you for redirecting my eyes to the one in whom my hope resides!
Praying for you now, Bev, that the Lord will manifest healing power in you and renew your hope each day!