“Did you have any dreams last night?” Most mornings my daughter asks me this question, but I always disappoint her. I’m a deep sleeper. My head hits the pillow, and I lose consciousness until morning. No dreams by night.
I do most of my dreaming by day.
This middle-aged, home schooling, pastor’s wife may not look like much of a dreamer. I spend my days corralling kids, doing errands, cooking, writing, cleaning, going to meetings, visiting people and having company. But in between, I dream. Some of my dreams are my own wild, crazy ideas. Like winning the lottery and spending a month in Italy.
Some of my dreams are God-given and God-driven:
- Marrying a Salvadoran guy named Jose
- Having children
- Moving to Turkey
- Planting a church with a team
- Encouraging other women
- Writing
God placed those dreams in my heart, giving me faith to believe what looked impossible. Even when I struggled to believe, the mustard seed faith God put in my heart was enough. I kept taking small steps. God has brought some of my dreams to completion, but some are still in process.
I keep dreaming. I dream of seeing my kids grown with families of their own. I dream of more growth for our little church. I dream of greater ministry opportunities and growth as a writer.
Some days it’s still hard to believe these visions of mine.
But I keep hoping. I keep daring to believe that God is greater than I can even imagine.
What about you? What do you dream about?
We get so caught up in the day to day, but God wants us to set our gaze on Him and what He can do. God wants to widen our vision and expand our horizons. He has plans to use us for His glory, to pour out His love and shine His light into this world through us.
The dreams He places in our hearts are whispers of His plans for us.
I don’t know what your hopes are, friend, but I do know God has plans to shine through you in your corner of the world. He has greater plans for you than you can even imagine. All He wants from you is faith as small as a mustard seed and tiny steps towards your dreams.
“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it!” 1 Thess. 5:24
Now it’s your turn: What do you dream about? Are you more of a dreamer or a realist?
I’m linking up with Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday. Writers all around the world join in a flash mob of free writing. This week’s prompt is “Dream.” Join us over at Kate’s place for fun and encouragement. Also joining with Grace & Truth, Susan B. Mead’s #DancewithJesus, and Barbie Swihart’s Weekend Brew.
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Betsy I love this. To dream, believe, and hope. is freedom to be all that God designed us to be. I start dreaming about writing and the things that could happen in a writers life. I’m feeling a bit embarrassed to share this. But I would love to hire a house keeper so that I could write more. I think about this often, what if I made money as a writer – I would be able to hire several helpers to help me around the house. So this is surface stuff. My deep passionate dream is to help other women be all that God has called them to be. I want to be my best for God and I want to comfort others with God’s wisdom. Betsy it is so neat seeing you live out your dream. You inspire me and give me hope. I feel encouraged to dream and write it down. Thank You. I sent your post with the reblog feature to my community blog, hoping that others will be inspired to dream. Great post!!!
You keep dreaming, Lisa! And keep showing up as often as you can to write for a half hour or so. I’m praying for you now, that God will keep you dreaming, and empower you to take little steps. I’m so glad you shared this here. I think it’s a dream GOD has placed on y our heart. You have a message to share, and I bet that as you keep writing, you’ll keep growing in your craft, and God’s message in your heart will mature too. 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing my post.
Thanks Betsy. I love your comment – “keep showing up” I appreciate your prayers.
I am definitely a dreamer. I am learning, however, to dream of what God would have me do instead of just what I want to do. I would have never dreamed that I would be part of starting a Christian School in Pakistan (it just wasn’t on my radar), but God somehow felt that I was the person for the job. Now, I cannot imagine life without the relationships I’ve built there…if we are open and have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, there’s no telling what God can do. Enjoyed this post!
That’s an amazing dream God gave you, Bev. Wow! I’m praising God for all He’s done through that school.
i love the way you said this betsy:) great words!
Thanks for stopping by, Martha!
Thanks for sharing! I am a nighttime dreamer (it fact, they wake me up often) but my daytime dream are many! I am also like you and spend my days doing my domestic duties, chasing my kids, and all things that come with being a pastor’s wife but my dreams stretch far beyond! I would love to be a writer of children’s books!
That’s a wonderful dream! Thanks for sharing it. You’re a pastor’s wife too?
Yes I am. My husband became the pastor of our church in October. He is young in the church so this was a challenging year for him but I think he has done an amazing job!
Good Morning, Betsy! This here is the big takeaway for me today – ‘God-given and God-driven’ dreams!
Whether day or night, that’s what I want my thoughts to turn to. And then nothing at all is impossible.
Thanks for spurring me onward and upward, friend! I hope your weekend is filled with joy and delight …
Thank you Linda! I want my thoughts to turn towards those God-given and God-driven dreams too!
I fell asleep last night before I got the friday prompt. So glad I’m your neighbor at #dancewithJesus linkup. This word and your post are so appropriate for me. Just Monday I blogged about barely having mustard seed faith. When God gives me the dream, before it has a chance to finish unfolding, I smother it. I don’t know exactly what I’m afraid of but I have to surrender that and allow myself to let it unfold. When seeing the vision I actually get anxiety (i can’t believe I’m admitting this) but I pray to be free from this thing so I can FULLY run with the vision. This is CONFIRMATION for me to DREAM full dreams and allow God to bring them to pass. What a divine connection to be your neighbor at #dancewithJesus. I’m going to write my #FMF post now.
I’m praying for yoIu now to be free from anxiety over your vision. I’m sure God has great plans for you, and you’re so right. All we have to do is surrender and run with it! May God place HIS dreams in your heart!
The dreams He places in our hearts are whispers of His plans for us.
Love this! I also do my dreaming during the day, and I am always amazed how they make sense in the bigger picture of the world.
Keep on dreaming!
Thanks! May the Lord establish your dreams!
Wonderful words of wisdom as usual, Betsy! Faith as small as a mustard seed can bring forth great things! God gives the dream, and we step out in faith, most of the time feeling as if we are stepping off a giant cliff! That’s how I feel about this blogging dream. Putting myself out there, exposed, subject to criticism. It’s humbling, yet, I know, it’s God’s dream. I’m glad it’s God’s dream for you, too, because you are serving and blessing many with your words!
Thanks so much Ruthie! I think you have a real gift for writing. But yes it’s scary to “put ourselves out there.” I was terrified when I started blogging. Just the other day I got a rejection letter on a magazine submission I’d sent. Not so fun, but I’m trusting every “no” is one step closer to a “yes.”
Love this my friend! Many parts that you wrote about today parallel perfectly with Emily Freeman’s new book. Just had to get that plug in!!! God does want us to dream but He wants us to love in the here and now an leave the outcome up to Him. Happy Weekend!
Sure love seeing your beautiful face pop up over at The Weekend Brew. Blessings for a beautiful Sabbath.
I’m really interested in that book, Mary. Thanks for mentioning it! Somehow I didn’t see your comment until this morning. Brain out to lunch!
It’s hard to dream when we have learned to protect ourselves by expecting disappointment. However, God wants us to dream the dreams He gives us; and He *will bring them to pass! Great post! I’m so glad you are pursuing your dream of writing, Betsy. You are really gifted!
Thanks for your encouraging word, Lisa. Yes, dreaming is harder when we’ve experienced disappointment. (And I know you’ve had more than your share.) Grace to you, friend, as you dream those dreams He gives.
Oh I love this.. the whole thing, but especially this: “The dreams He places in our hearts are whispers of His plans for us.” Amen!
Thank you Karrilee. Blessings on your weekend!
Hi Betsy! I am reading a book about Joy now (it’s my word for the year), and the author says we have to envision what we want in order to fulfill it. So dream on! It’s good to know what to head for, what to work for…but if you dream it, it can come to be.
I hope your church keeps growing and growing, and that you grow with it. I know God wants His Word to spread, so you are doing His work. What could be more important than that?
Weekend blessings,
Ceil, Joy has been on my heart for years now. I think it’s SUCH an important theme. What a great thought about envisioning what we want in order to fulfill it. Thanks for sharing that.
Some of my dreams do come true:
The other day I dreamt I was taking part at a meeting at work. When I woke up … I was!
I also dreamt (half day-dreaming) about a story which kept buzzing in my head. Eventually it turned out to be the first book I wrote.
God bless you and yours.
Really interesting, Victor. I’ve heard of things like that happening, but never to me since I really don’t dream much.
I love this! It is my dream to see others realize their dreams that God set in their hearts. Praising God for your likeness in vision and grateful for you being faithful to the dreams he has called you to. Thanks for inspiring me even more 🙂
Thanks for coming by here and commenting, Jo. I appreciate it. I love to see others realize their dreams too!
There are days where I turn to the Lord with my “mustard seed faith,” my dreams and say, “This is what I’ve got Lord: a tiny mustard seed’s worth of faith. Please take it and make it more.” And that’s okay! 🙂
Amen! He always responds to that prayer!
Right now, facing tomorrow’s a big enough dream for me. Beyond that, we’ll see.
Yes, Andrew. I just read your post. I’m praying for you, friend. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Our biggest dreams are on the other side. But I know most people don’t want to leave this beautiful life we have here. At least I don’t, so I just can’t imagine how you feel. Praying for you again as I read your words.
Love this encouragement to dream – even when we can’t quite believe the dreams God is whispering to our hearts. Thank you for these words!
Believing is always a challenge for me too, Kathryn. I just keep taking those baby steps when I can. Even if I’m not sure I believe!
I’m definitely a realist, and I find that my feet get bogged down in all the list-oriented stuff of my day. God is teaching me to see my list as a launch pad for dreams. Thanks for your inspiring words.
I love that, Michele! Using your list as a launch pad for dreams. I have way too many dreams than I could ever realize, so for me the trick is knowing which ones are really from God!!!
“The dreams He places in our hearts are whispers of His plans for us.” Beautiful. Have you heard Casting Crowns’ song, “Let Me Dream For You”? It touches on this theme in a meaningful way using biblical examples. I think you’ll enjoy it!
Thank you for linking with us at Grace & Truth, and for being such an important part of our community.
Ive been having dreams for over three years now and im not sure if theyre God given or my own imagination. Theyre about a man that im married to. I sometimes see us with children. I dont know him, but its always the same guy. Right now im not sure what this means.
Perhaps you could pray and ask God to show you, Danielle. Or pray to give this dream back to God? Not sure what to say, but I’m lifting you up now before the Father.