I felt two inches tall when the polished, professional woman across from me asked, “What do you do?” Chairman of her department at a local university, she peered at me through gold rimmed glasses when I said, “I’m a stay at home mom.” Then she looked past me and continued talking to the other women seated around us.
Have you ever been there?
If you’re feeling like your life is small, squeezed in somewhere between your job (inside or outside your home), your to-do list, and the people in your life, there’s something you have to know about you. Your feeling small or insignificant does not change your identity. You can’t depend on your feelings and others peoples’ opinions to tell you who you are. Only God’s unwavering truth, written in His Word, defines your true worth.
You Are Loved
Romans 1:8 holds an important key to our identity: “To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people.” Sometimes I repeat it over and over to myself to let its truth wash over me: I’m loved by God and called to be his.
You’re God’s treasured possession, loved and called to belong to Him.
You Were Chosen for a Mission.
“But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you.” (The Message 1 Peter 2:9)
God chose you to be a priest or mediator. Does that sound intimidating or other-worldly? All it means is that you’re called to represent Him to the people around you, whether they’re toddlers waiting on the couch for a story or co-workers waiting for a project. You’re the instrument He chose to do his work and speak out for Him.
“You don’t have to be in a high profile occupation to be a person of influence. In fact, if your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer. Everything you do at home, at church, in your job, or on the ball field has an impact on the lives of other people.”
John Maxwell
You’re an Influencer.
You don’t have to write a book, make a speech, or develop a new product to influence others. You impact the people around you every time you:
- Pray for someone who’s struggling.
- Encourage someone with a kind word.
- Smile at the person next to you.
- Give someone a pat on the back
- Model forgiveness and integrity for your kids.
- Love that person who’s driving you crazy.
- Serve your family, friends, and co-workers.
- Teach someone something new.
- Share the good news with a friend.
Try repeating the truths of Romans 1:8 to yourself this week. You’re loved by God and called to be His. He chose you with a special purpose in mind, and you fulfill that purpose every time you influence others positively, whether you’re in the kitchen, the classroom, or a board meeting. You go, girl!
This is the last of a 5 part series called “Beautiful, Amazing You.”
Part 1: Beauty That Goes Beyond Skin Deep
Part 2: Beautiful, Amazing You: Deeply Loved
Part 3: Your True Identity: Dishwasher, Mom, or Princess?
Part 4: Feeling Insignificant? Bloom Where You’re Planted!
Boy, we all need to hear this over and over again! We are loved by God…not because of what we do, but because we are His. His precious treasure. How wonderful. Thank you, Betsy.
Truth, truth, truth Betsy!!!! Thanks for the good reminders.
I learned it from you, Sandy! 🙂
Yesssss! Excellent message. Preach it, Sister! More peope need to know and believe this.
Thanks so much, Linda. I appreciate your sharing on FB.
Great message of love and truth, Betsy! I believe many of us have felt small and insignificant more than once in this life. I love the quote from John Maxwell too. I’m going to jot that one down in my journal for today. Betsy, your writing is encouraging and compelling. So glad I stopped over to your blog today! I’m going to read the rest of your series too. Have a blessed week!
I love John Maxwell too. he talks about leadership being INFLUENCE. So wherever you exercise influence, you are being a leader. It’s a thought that has impacted me.
Well said! Always need these posts of yours on Monday!
Yes, I thought of you and Mondays, Ellen, after your comment last week. Hope you’ll have a good week!
I know this is not the point of your post, Betsy, but it upset me that the woman “dismissed” you as a stay-at-home mom. Raising children is the most important job there is. I wish I were a stay-at-home mom! It wouldn’t make me less of who I am.
Do you know, Deborah, I don’t let things like that bother me anymore. That was something that happened 5 years ago or so, and I just let things like that slide right past me. I know for other women, it’s more difficult though. Thanks for your support!
I’m sorry you had to go through that. Cherish what you have. I’m in an upper management position and dreaming of being able to stay home w my little one. By the way I’d appreciate more posts about living in Turkey. Hubby just started praying about going there to help out with an acquaintances ministry and to be honest I am terrified. I will go wherever God leads us through my husband, but I really don’t like the fear I am feeling. Thanks and blessings!