Sometimes I pray like I’m giving my order at a fast food restaurant. “I’d like a good grade on my daughter’s test, healing for a sick friend, and an extra order of joy and strength just to make it through the day, please.” I might as well be standing in line at McDonalds with a list of things I hope God will do for me.
Prayer grows tedious (and boring!) when I look at it as a To-Do List for God. I pray for item after item on my list, but I’m not sure I’m getting answers. Discouragement sets in. Does this really work?
Prayer is more than handing God a To-Do list. Prayer invites more of Him into our lives.
Hebrews 4:6 offers an invitation and a promise:
God invites us in. We have free access to Him, thanks to the blood of Christ. He promises the gift of mercy, no matter how much we’ve messed up. He’ll grant us all the grace we need. Who doesn’t need that? Who doesn’t need more of God?
What if we looked at prayer as a way to invite more of God into our lives?
Here are 3 more ways to make prayer more than a takeout order.
Pray for More of God
When was the last time you prayed earnestly for God to reveal more of Himself to you? Let’s lean in closer and ask Him to pour more of His Spirit over us, to show us more of His love, and to fill us with more of His joy, grace, wisdom, and power.
Here’s a prayer from Ephesians 1:17:
Pray Bigger
Last summer, The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson challenged me to a greater vision for prayer. Beyond help to lead a Bible study or cook dinner, what do I want God to do in my life?
I prayed over several days and made a list. I want Greater Faith, Healing, Joy, Provision, Passion for Christ (for my kids), and A Life that Honors God.
What are the big things you want God to work in your life? Ask Him to show you 5-8 dreams or aspirations that you can pray over for several months or a year.
What do you want to accomplish? Make goals and bring them to God regularly. As you pray, He’ll grow your faith and give you the wisdom you need to accomplish those goals.
Pray for Growth
How do you want to grow? Ask God to help you draw nearer, remain in Him, and grow in areas where you are weak.
For several years I prayed for one fruit of the spirit each day: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and so on. I’d like to think it made a difference? (Other than the fact that all kinds of things would go wrong on Thursdays, the day I was praying for patience!)
Sometimes I pray for myself each day of the week in a different role: as a child of God, wife, mother, church planter, writer, friend, and encourager for women.
I want to look at prayer as a journey to more of God in my life, but all too easily I fall into the fast food drive-through trap. I have my “will you do?” list all ready.
Will you join me in this prayer? Lord, I want to press in for more of you. I invite you into my heart and life. Come, Lord Jesus. Fill me with your Spirit. Pour your love and mercy over me. Give me the wisdom and power I need today. In your name, Amen.
May I share this resource for your prayer life?
Mark Batterson’s book, The Circle Maker: Praying Circles around your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears, changed the way I view prayer and encouraged me to pray bigger. In this book, Mark shares rare insight and faith-building stories of answered prayer from his personal life as a church planter and now lead pastor at National Community Church in Washington, D.C.
I read it twice, and want to read it again because it encourages me to take a bigger view of God and to pray through the hard times when I don’t receive the answers I hope for.
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I’m linking up with Holly Barrett’s #TestimonyTuesday, Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup, Crystal Storm’s #IntentionalTuesday, Holley Gerth’s Coffee for your Heart, Lyli Dunbar’s Thought-Provoking Thursday, and Arabah Joy’s Grace and Truth. Check out these communities for more encouragement.
Betsy, I loved the Circle Maker book! But I realized after reading this post that I let my big areas of prayer focus ‘fizzle’ over the past couple of years. Time to revisit those, and redirect my focus back to our big God! I’m looking at this time in my life as a time to draw closer to Him, and listen for His voice. I need to do a better job of journaling my prayer time:) Love your colorful pens, too. What a great idea!
I loved the book too, Kristine. It impacted me so much. May Jesus draw you ever closer and make His voice clear, friend. I do pray for you across the miles. <3 Yes, Bic Ink Joy. Best use ever of 3 or 4 dollars...I love them.
Love! 🙂 What a great post, Betsy. I’m sure satan would love for you to stop writing, but I’m so glad God has other plans. Your words bless. — I’m reading Circle Maker right now. (Not sure why I’m only now reading it, but I’m loving it.) Thanks for these beautiful tips. More of Him…amen. — xoxo
Oh Brenda. Your words today mean more than you know! I think I need to read Circle Maker again. Also wasn’t sure why I was reading it! Blessings to you, sweet friend.
Hey Betsy … thanks for this reminder to pray big, to toss our lists aside. I feel like I need to listen more to God in our conversations than constantly telling Him what to do.
After all, He has so much love to share, doesn’t He …
Oh yes, Linda! I also have a hard time being silent enough to hear Him! He speaks!
Great post, I really needed to hear that it is not a list of demands we give to God but a surrendering of my life to Him through prayer.
Oh, I’ve learned this from you, canım amorcito!
I love your notebook! And this post comes at a great time for me because I’m writing a piece about prayer, and I’m trusting for grace to move beyond praying “prescriptive” prayers to God and being more open to what He wants to do — whether it’s on my list or not!
Thank you, Michele! Blessings on your writing, friend!
One idea I love here is praying each day from a specific role: mom, friend, whatever. I think that would really help me focus and make me more aware of God’s work in that area of my life.
As I wrote this, Jeannie, I realize I want to get back to it. I did it for years, but not this year… 🙂
Wonderful post, Betsy! Love your notebook! It beautifully displayed the principles of drawing a circle around our prayers!!! Betsy, I think all three points are so well taken. Prayer truly comes down to one thing – inviting more of God into our life. Conversing with Him as we do a friend. And then waiting as He replies. A great reminder!
Thanks Joanne. I open up this journaling page that now I almost have it memorized. Yes, we need to “keep circling, pray long and hard” sometimes!
I have read several posts on prayer today and realize that mine looks more like a to do list.(and I don’t even like McDonald’s) Your three simple ideas are perfect for anyone looking to focus and invite God to be the center of our prayer time.
Sp praying for more of God, praying bigger and praying for growth are all invitations instead of demands. I really like this Betsy. As I pray I will be turning back to these three ideas over and over.
Hi Betsy! I do often have lists and lists of prayer requests for the Lord, and I suppose it does seem a lot like a dinner order. Sheesh. I’m happy to have read your post today, and hope to make my prayer more about relationship, and less about ‘here’s what I want’.
It’s an easy hole to fall into, and I need to pay attention more!
Hi Ceil! I use lists too, and I’m sure God loves those prayers too, but I just want MORE also, and I think He wants that for us too, don’t you? Blessings to you, sister! You always inspire me with your excellent writing!
I really like this- saving it! These are excellent tips to refreshen my prayer life. The last thing I want is to become complacent but I know, especially in the waiting period, we can get stuck praying for the same things over and over. God heard the first time! LOL Coming to you from the purposeful faith link up.
It’s true, Leah. Sometimes I get on the broken record track, asking God for the same things over and over. And there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as we’re also praying for MORE! Thanks for reading today!
What beautiful inspiration for all of our prayer lives, dear Betsy! I know what it’s like to approach prayer like you’re ordering a Happy Meal. I’ve been there. But you’re so right, the real richness of prayer is found in inviting God in, in praying bigger and praying for growth. Thanks for this reminder. <3
Now you’ve made me laugh, Lauren. (Happy Meal 🙂 ). Yes, let’s press in for boeuf bourguignon instead of a happy meal. It takes a lot longer, but it’s so much better!
Love this, Betsy. I’ve often prayed Eph. 1:17 over our kids. What a great scripture to pray! Love your circles, too. I’ve read Mark’s book. Your graphic tempts me to pull out my colored pens and circle away.
Yes, let’s keep circling! Those Jericho’s are gonna FALL!
Love this, Betsy: “Prayer invites more of God in our lives.” I pray the other two, but adding growth to my prayers. Thank you for sharing. : )
P.S. Congratulations on the COMPEL Devotion challenge!!!
Thanks, Crystal. It–the devotion challenge–came at just the right time. I think God wanted to encourage me to keep writing, even though making time is hard, as I’m SURE you know! 🙂
Yes, inviting more of God into our lives!! Great post-Betsy. I have never read the book you mentioned. Will check it out!
Definitely check out The Circle Maker. It’s a wonderful, inspiring read.
Love this, Betsy. Sharing it with my online prayer group.
Thanks so much, Lyli. Blessings to you, sweet friend.
More of Jesus. Yes, please!
I love the Circle Maker and how inspired I feel after I read it. 🙂
Me too! I love how you can just pick it up wherever you left off, even if it was days ago, read a few pages, and come away inspired!
Great post, Betsy. I love that idea of praying the fruits of the spirit. And, I have the Circle Maker but have yet to read it. You’ve inspired me to pray bigger, friend.
Let’s press in for MORE, Tiffany! You inspire me too, friend!
Wonderful post, Betsy! Incredibly blessed by my visit with you! Thanks so much for sharing, Love! GOD bless you, beautiful friend! 🙂
May God bless you too, Tai!
I so appreciate this approach, Betsy. You’re right that we do too often just want to hand God our to-do list, then sit back and wait for him to check off everything we want. Relationship is SO much more. Thanks for encouraging us to dig in deeper.
Thanks, Lisa. Let’s press into more of Him. 🙂
I’m convicted! My prayer life needs an overhaul. I love your suggestions to identify specific areas to pray over for the next several months … and to pray the fruit of the spirit into my life on a regular basis.
May God give you a personal revival in your prayer life, Dianne! I’ve been convicted lately too to seek MORE of Him!
I SO love this post! We’re you sneaking a peek into my prayer journal last night? You must have been. I love the three things you focus on. Asking God to show us dreams to pray for is one I wouldn’t normally think of, but that is what God had me doing just last night. I’ll enjoy sharing your post all around!
Oh you’re making me laugh, Ginger! I guess our prayer journals look like, huh? 🙂 Blessings to you, friend. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful post on prayer, Betsy!
I love Marc Batterson and the whole reminder to pray bigger!
I think I’m going to go back and read that book again!
You bless me with the way you point me and others to Jesus~
Thanks, Melanie. It really is such a good read. You point me to Jesus too, sister!
Oh, Betsy! I can ALWAYS use more inspiration in my prayer time. And I can see I need to dust off my copy of The Circle Maker! Thanks for these suggestions – I can’t wait to implement some of them!
Have you read the Circle Maker, Ellen? Do you have a copy you never read? Blessings on your prayer life, Ellen! Lord, send us revival! 🙂
Betsy, I tried to leave a comment on how much I loved your mini prayer books but I think it didn’t go through but if you get it twice…sorry. Just signed up for your emails. Love your wisdom friend.
Yes, I did see the other comment too, friend! You bless me so much, friend. Thanks so much.