Have you ever had high hopes for something you really wanted? As church planters, my husband and I hoped that many people would come to Christ right away and that our house church would grow quickly. Instead, we sat in our living room with our team mates week after week wondering if the doorbell would ring. It almost never did. We wondered what on earth God was up to and if we were out of our minds.
We prayed and hoped for a breakthrough, and we rejoiced when it came.
We place our hope in many things that may or may not happen.
College graduates hope for a high-paying job. Business executives hope for a promotion. Athletes hope they’ll win the race. Newlyweds hope they’ll live happily ever after. When our hopes go unmet, disappointment knocks on our door.
As followers of Jesus, we have an evergreen hope that is sure.
We hope in His death and resurrection. We hope in a loving Heavenly Father who cares for us and is always at work for our good. We walk in faith, and we hope for what we do not always see.
When the future looks uncertain, we hope in the good plans God has for us.
When discouragement knocks, we hope in His promises.
When we have questions, we hope in God’s wisdom.
When we pray, we hope in God’s answers.
When we suffer, we have the hope of heaven and our glorious future with Christ.
Hope is a supernatural gift that God gives to strengthen us and help us on our way. As God pours His Holy Spirit into our hearts, hope sprouts up and grows like a green plant.
If hope is a supernatural gift, how about asking God for more of it?
Now it’s your turn: Are you hoping for anything today?
I’m linking up with Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday. Writers all around the world join in a flash mob of free writing. This week’s prompt is “Hope.” Join us over at Kate’s place for fun and encouragement. Also joining with Arabah Joy’s Grace & Truth, Deb Wolf’s Faith’n Friends, and Susan B. Mead’s Dance with Jesus.
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Love this, Betsy! I love that verse. Right now, i’m hoping for peace as I finish up my senior year of college, knowing i am not sure of the plans beyond school. I ended up switching majors and taking a semester off right at my senior year, so I am hoping for God to help me figure out what my next steps are! A scary thing for someone that had her plans all figured out 🙂 Visiting from FMF!
Oh, Jordan, may the Lord give you that peace. Your senior year can be a stressful time! May God make his plans for you clear.
And sometimes one must hope that there is still a reason for hope.
Yes, Andrew. That is so true.
Green hope! 🙂
Hope for the future is a BIG one. Right now I hope for wisdom and the ability to make the right decisions. We have a couple of important ones we are praying about right now that could mean big changes. My hope is in the Lord today! Thanks, Betsy:)
Yes, friend. Let’s put our hope in HIM! He’s the sure, unchanging one. May He give you wisdom for the decisions and grace for the changes.
‘And hope does not disappoint …’
Don’t you just love that He knows the end from the beginning, Betsy? Such peace and strength flows from that truth.
Thanks for all the ways you’ve encouraged me this week, friend. I am grateful that God has allowed our paths to cross in this season …
I’m grateful for you too, Linda. I love that “Hope does not disappoint” verse. So many good ones about hope. We have this hope as an anchor to the soul.
Best post I’ve seen on the blogosphere lately, Betsy. I hope you don’t mind if I share it! You really hit me with the description of waiting in your living room for people to show up. It reminds me of how often we feel called to do something, but then get impatient and want everything to happen now! My challenge is continuing to do what God has called me to do (as in my personal ministry via my blog and eventual book), being faithful and trusting that His timing is perfect! How often do we say, “If I could just reach one person…” and then wonder if we are doing what we are supposed to, when we aren’t reaching hundreds or thousands? I am putting my hope in Jesus and trusting that He uses me as HE sees fit!
Linda, thanks for your encouragement. I was so doubtful when I posted this! I should have HOPED it would encourage people instead. May the Lord give you grace to trust Him. May He pour grace and anointing on you and your ministry.
Love this Betsy! So true, we often place hope in things that never come to pass. Blessed Hope is assured, and so grateful for that! Thank you for sharing on hope today. Your stories of the mission field are so inspiring.
“An evergreen hope” – I love that, Betsy. What am I hoping for? Hmm, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m so busy living in the day to day, I don’t often think to actively hope for tomorrow. I suppose for me, I hope for my children to find their way…their callings, and have fulfilling lives. I hope for growing old in rocking chairs with my husband. I hope that I can make a difference in this world for God. Standard things, I suppose. 🙂 Lovely post, thanks for sharing, Betsy. (((blessings)))
Those are beautiful hopes! I know what you mean. We tend to get so caught up in the day to day that we don’t think about hope!
Hope and perseverance as well! I love it when we get a glimpse into your life as a church planter.
Thank you friend. Thanks for reading today.
Betsy, this is lovely and so encouraging! I am thankful for the hope Jesus extends to us. It’s a hope based on truth, and one that we can trust in. Love your words. Love the scripture! You took the word GREEN to a whole new level! So glad you did. Bless you, sweet friend!
Thanks Julie. May your hope overflow today. Every time I thought of the word GREEN, hope popped into my mind. Because of that Message version of Romans 15:13, my all time favorite verse!
Hope is a biggee. Despair becomes a rather large weight, almost crushing when hope is bare. In the past, I’ve so easily slipped into despair. Expectations – my own, not necessarily God’s – took me there. It’s not a good place. Learning to release thoughts and expectations to God does wonders. Good post, Betsy.
You’re so right here, Kristi. It’s a lot easier to be hopeful when we release our own expectations! When we hold on to unmet expectations, that’s when disappointment sticks with us. Thanks for that.
I love your take on “green”. We had quite a discussion last night about what directions you could go with Kate’s prompt. You scripture from The Message was the perfect tie in. Hope is the work of the Holy Spirit in us and opening ourselves to that gift will create all kinds of growth. Hugs!
Hugs right back at you! I hope you’re having a great time at Allume. So exciting for you, I’m sure!
Precious hope! Impossible to live without it, isn’t it? Thank you for this uplifting post, Becky. I love the Message’s take on the Romans verse. Green hope. Life-giving energy. So encouraging.
I love that verse too, Trudy. 🙂
Wonderful truths about hope,Betsy! I am so very thankful for God’s supernatural hope!
Blessings and smiles,
Thanks for stopping by, Lori.
Hope is a beautiful thing…I thank God that in reality we don’t ever have to loose hope because of our faith in Jesus. What a relief!! Will be sharing this with my readers …thanks for always encouraging my faith Betsy!
Yep. I love that verse! I’m so glad God is our God of hope and help!
Hi Betsy! I can’t imagine your feelings as you waited for that doorbell to ring. What courage you and your husband had in church planting. Not an occupation for weak, is it?
I have many hopes in Christ, and you know, it takes courage to jump outside myself and hope in Him instead of myself.
I hope that God will touch you in a powerful way, and spread your joy and love for Christ. I know that’s what He’d want, and you too.