You are a miracle. Amazing and beautiful. The crown of God’s creation. You’re one of a kind, and God smiled when He made you. God made you so that He could love you, but during the daily hassles of life, it’s easy to lose touch with the reality that you’re God’s cherished treasure.
A co-worker gossips behind your back. Your husband, bless his heart, tells you that something you’re doing really bothers him, and you’re left wondering if you’re a terrible wife. You fail at something, and you hear that voice inside your head once again, “Can’t I do anything right?”
Sometimes that valuable, cherished feeling gets knocked out of us by hard knocks:
- Teasing or bullying at school
- Singleness when you long for marriage
- Family Conflict
- Broken Friendship
- Divorce
Hard times can eat away at our self esteem and leave us doubtful of our worth. Rejection, even harsh words spoken in haste, erode our self confidence.
Women were born with both a special capacity and a longing for love. We want to be loved and treasured, don’t we? When someone loves us, we feel valued, but even the best of parents, husbands, and friends let us down. They’re unable to love us as consistently as we’d like.
God’s love never changes.
God loved us enough to send his one and only son to die for our sins in order to bring us into a close and intimate relationship with Him. His love for you is deeper than oceans, higher than mountains. You are cherished. He knows everything about you. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what anyone else says about you. Through Christ, your identity as a beloved child of God is secure.
God’s Word says that because of Christ’s death you are:
Deeply Loved and Fully Forgiven
“This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (1 John 4:10)
God’s love for you never changes, even when you’re grouchy and yell at your kids. When you mess up, He forgives you fully. You have the assurance of knowing you’re loved no matter what.
Totally Accepted
“He has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ… As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.” (Colossians 1:22)
Friend, even if our mothers, husbands, or friends criticize or get angry at us, God accepts us fully because Jesus paid for our sins. We can draw near to him for the security of a relationship where we’re beautiful just the way we are, holy and blameless, without a single fault.
You can smile today because you are deeply loved, fully forgiven, and completely accepted by God.
Linking up with Suzanne Eller’s #livefreeThursday. Suzie’s prompt was “Love me? Love me not?” Also joining Arabah Joy’s Grace and Truth, and Susan B. Mead’s Dance with Jesus. Check out these communities for more encouragement.
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Note: The phrase “deeply loved, fully forgiven, and completely accepted was adapted from Search for Significance by Robert McGee.
There is no greater feeling than knowing God Most High, the Holy One, loves me just as I am, warts and all. He accepts me, in spite of all my failures. What wonderful peace in knowing I can call to Him and He will answer and wrap His arms of love around me. Thanks for your encouragement today, Betsy.
I agree. So reassuring to know we’re loved and accepted the way we are.
What a lovely post, what a life-changing message. It makes all the difference. Forever.
Thanks, Linda.
I’m going to get that book! Thanks Betsy:)
It’s not a super easy read, Kristine, but it’s not hard either. He tells lots of stories you can relate too, it’s probably a mix between real life practical application and light theology? It really helped me in counselling others and also for my own life. It helps you understand what the death of Christ means for you.
Thanks, Betsy! I needed to hear this today!
Deeply loved. Fully Forgiven. I’m going to let those words wash over me all day. Thank you! #livefree
Amen, Liz! You are deeply loved indeed. I want to let that truth wash over me too!
“We can draw near to him for the security of a relationship where we’re beautiful just the way we are, holy and blameless, without a single fault.” YES! So incredibly grateful for this truth today! Thank you for the reminder, Betsy! #livefreeThursday
Thanks, Crystal. I’m grateful for it too, and grateful for the #livefree community!
Yes, if we could only rest in the security of that perfect and unchanging love. How can we be so short-sighted as to think that there is any other relationship that is more valuable?
I don’t know how I can be that short-sighted, but I am, Michele1 So grateful that God loves a girl like me who wears blinders sometimes. 🙂
Betsy, you are a treasure. <3
Thank you, Suzie. It takes one to know one. <3
Betsy, thank you for sharing these words this morning. I come from a family of dysfunction, and my earthly parents don’t choose to be a part of my world. My ears are always keen to reminders that He loves me, and accepts me, just as I am. Oh how I love Him. Thank you for sharing. Happy to be neighboring you at Susan’s linkup this morning. 🙂 (I’m #9, Twenty Octobers). (((Hug)))
I’m praying for you now, sister. It’s hard when our parents couldn’t give us approval and unconditional love, isn’t it? May the Lord empower you to give that gift to others I look forward to visiting your blog.
Fabulous post Betsy! I must admit I suffer at times from the self worth question. From failed relationships and still being single and friendships lost as my commitment to Jesus Christ grows. I now realize that God does value me and that these things or relationships were in the way of the blessings that He wants to bestow on me! Oh the joy we feel when we truly begin to realize the love that God has for us! Thanks for sharing this on G&T. God bless
I’m lifting up a prayer for you now, Horace. Failed relationships can really impact our self worth. May the Lord pour his love into your heart and mind, renewing your thoughts day by day. We all struggle with this!
What an amazingly beautiful post! Thank you so much!
Betsy I am so glad you left your link on my site. Girl, this is a struggle for me. I have searched for significance in so many ways. You have a beautiful way of pointing us in the right direction. Pointing us to Jesus. The Lover of our souls.